Friday, May 15, 2020

Professional Essay examples - 1336 Words

Professional As people go through life, they most likely come upon a person who affects their life for the better, and sends them in the right direction. For some, however, they may never have a person who gives them this push, or perhaps someone had the opportunity to be that person who does the pushing, but does not. Many people have been propelled to success because of the care of another person. Some of these positive influences may include a parent, minister, or a friend. Though all three of these persons embody the needs of everybody from time to time, it is the teacher who connects these together and gives a person more that just an education. In every human’s life, they will come in direct contact with a teacher, whether it†¦show more content†¦I think that teaching a student to have a good character is more important that reading, writing, and arithmetic. I think the greatest profession that a person will endeavor upon is that of a parent. Most of the students that go through my classroom will become parents one day, and I want them to have the character that is needed to raise a child in the right ways. I believe that character development is the greatest reward of an education. I want students to look to me as a model of a good person. I think that is the greatest reward that a teacher can achieve. The feeling of someone going out learning how to be a good person and doing it based upon my actions is priceless, and will benefit more many more than I may ever know about. My classroom methods would mostly resemble a traditional classroom in that there is a certain base of knowledge that students should learn before they can move on. I agree with the essentialist theory because I think that there is much to be learned from the classical material. It has stood the test of time and much of today’s society is based around it. I do not however want to be a lecture-dominated instructor. In college I have grown to like lecture classrooms because I have the discipline to follow the teacher and take notes, but when I was in high school a lecture class bored me and I would be daydreaming within five minutes. I think there should be variety in presenting the essential knowledge. Along withShow MoreRelatedAn Hr Professional For Hr Professionals2399 Words   |  10 Pagesmeans to be an HR professional with reference to the CIPD’s HR Profession CIPD’s HR Profession Map sets out standards for HR professionals around the world- the activities, knowledge and behaviours needed for success. It represents an accurate tool that guides an HR practitioner’s learning and development towards becoming an effective HR professional. It was launched in 2009 and today it is used by a large number of organisations to define or benchmark their team of HR professionals at all levels. 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