Thursday, August 27, 2020

HISTORY (1861-1992) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HISTORY (1861-1992) - Research Paper Example Du Bois utilized for the most part his own encounters of being an African-American in an American culture to build up the papers and delineate the states of the spirits of those African-American and layout how their day to day environments felt. In the thinking ahead to the book where Du Bois offers a short presentation, he says, 'In this untruth covered numerous things which whenever read with persistence may show the odd importance of being dark here in the unfolding of the Twentieth Century.' (Du Bois, Forethought). This book was a fundamental knowledge into the spirits of the dark people, standing for now is the right time, yet maybe remaining constant even today, in spite of impressive advancement and change. This article expects to look at that suggestion and demonstrate that it is in reality evident. In the previously mentioned planning, Du Bois set out the establishment of the topic the remainder of the book was to concentrate on, and through which he clarifies the states of those African-Americans. He does as such by referencing to a specific Veil (with the V promoted to show its being its very own element and not only an ordinary separation) that isolated or divided the African-American man from his American environmental factors. He looks at the cover to a specific line that partitions shading, or a shading line, as he likewise calls it, and says that each African-American lives inside it and perspectives his reality regarding it. Expounding on this cloak, he further proceeds to state in the accompanying section, while relating an encounter as a young man where he had to recognize his being extraordinary, and where he understood the existance of this cover first, that â€Å"... it unfolded upon me with a specific suddenness that I was not the same as the others; or like, may-hap, in heart and life and yearning, yet shut out from their reality by a huge shroud. I wanted to tear down that shroud, to crawl through; I held all past it in like manner dis dain and lived above it†¦.† (Du Bois, Chapter 1). However, he proceeds to state that despite the fact that he in his own vision had chosen to keep all past it in disdain and beat them all, he understood that he proved unable, for everything was theirs to claim, and he could simply want to possess it from them. With a destitution rate that is practically twofold than that for white Americans (O'Hare, 2009) is that not something numerous under-advantaged African-American young people of today can likewise identify with? Du Bois further commented at how it felt to be an untouchable, or an 'issue', or to be seen as one, and how because of it, he discovered his friends pulling back to inside this Veil and squandering themselves away in sharpness. Du Bois additionally says that the explanation prejudice exists and keep on hindering the restraint of the African-American man is a direct result of this Veil and the separation and disconnection they feel underneath it, an inclinati on, that regardless of the popular government and progress is as yet relevant to and experienced by many (Alexander, 2008). Towards the second 50% of the book, Du Bois, in his position and time, expected to limit this separation and quality of confinement around the normal African-American man living in an American culture and says, 'The current age of Southerners isn't answerable for the past, and they ought not be aimlessly abhorred or accused for it.' (Du Bois, Chapter 3). He additionally references the accomplishments of Booker T. Washington, and said that while he had done a lot to achieve agreement among the African-American and white American people, his strategies of urging African-Americans to surrender their political force, social liberties and higher

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Application of electrical resistivity

Use of electrical resistivity Presentation Electrical resistivity imaging is a broadly utilized apparatus in close to surface geophysical overviews for examination of different geographical, natural and building issues including avalanche. Likewise, a 2-D manufactured resistivity demonstrating study was done to comprehend the reaction of the resistivity strategy to an avalanche issue before the field overviews (Drahor,MahmutG et al, 2006). The significance of electrical overviews is to distinguish the subsurface resistivity conveyance by making estimations on the ground surface. The genuine resistivity of the subsurface can be evaluated from these estimations (Singh et al 2006). The ground resistivity is identified with different geographical parameters, for example, the mineral and liquid substance, porosity and level of water immersion in the stone. Electrical resistivity reviews have been utilized for a long time in hydrogeological, mining and geotechnical examinations. All the more as of late, it has been uti lized for ecological reviews. The resistivity estimations are regularly made by infusing current into the ground through two current terminals (C1 and C2), and estimating the subsequent voltage contrast at two potential anodes (P1 and P2). From the current (I) and voltage (V) values, an obvious resistivity (dad) esteem is determined. dad = k V/I where k is the geometric factor which relies upon the plan of the four cathodes. Resistivity meters ordinarily give an obstruction esteem, R = V/I, so practically speaking the evident resistivity esteem is determined by dad = k R The determined resistivity esteem isn't the genuine resistivity of the subsurface, yet a â€Å"apparent† esteem which is the resistivity of a homogeneous ground which will give a similar opposition esteem for a similar terminal course of action. The connection between the â€Å"apparent† resistivity and the â€Å"true† resistivity is an unpredictable relationship. An as indicated by Singh et al (2006), a reversal of the deliberate evident resistivity esteems utilizing a PC program must be completed to decide the genuine subsurface resistivity. Issue articulation Landslide †Jalan Baru Gap ,Fraser Hill An ongoing issue looked in Malaysia is avalanches on slope slants. This hurtful circumstance consistently happened in good country territory during wet season. One avalanche happened in km 90,FT055,Kuala Lumpur/Kuala Lipis (Gap Road/Tranum),Fraser Hill beginning December 16 2007 until as of late. This street is the one in particular that is associating Kuala Kubu Baru or Fraser Hill to Raub. In ongoing disaster on April 5 2008 at 9 pm,sliding of certain stones onto one old extension in km 38.4,FT055,Kuala Kubu Road-Raub ,Fraser Hill ,Raub area, Pahang had happened. The avalanches are regularly activated by water aggregation inside piece of the incline which prompts debilitating of an area of the slant. Along these lines, it is essential to precisely delineate zone of grou nd water collection. Avalanche is one of regular risks that are frequently happen everywhere throughout the world. In tropical atmosphere, for example, Malaysia, the wonder is regular particularly in uneven regions during rainstorm season. As indicated by the report by Jamaludin et al, 2006, genuine characteristic avalanches in this nation regularly happen in storm seasons where extraordinary precipitation is the primary activating element. Early sign of the slant dependability inclined territory, for example, the avalanche peril maps may support organizers and designers to pick ideal areas for finding advancement plans. Cautious designing and geologic investigation could then follow before such explicit venture could be actualized.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Essay Topics: Pro and Cons - How to Write Your Essay on the Topic

Essay Topics: Pro and Cons - How to Write Your Essay on the TopicIt is important to bear in mind that the answers to some of the most asked questions can be found in an essay. Your essays are your chance to explain the pros and cons of the issues that you are writing about. Not only will it tell people what you feel about the situation but it will also give them a clearer picture of what they will get if they follow your advice.There are various essay topics that you can use when writing your final paper. The main one is on the pros and cons of your opinion on the topic. Although this topic may seem a bit trivial, but there are several different aspects that make up a good essay. Here are some more tips on the same.One of the major components of a great essay is the ability to clearly express yourself. If you are able to relay your thoughts in a concise and insightful manner, you can be sure that you will find success with your assignment. By giving people a clear idea as to why you have written what you have, you can be sure that they will take what you have to heart.Take for example the topic of article topics. In order to write an essay on this topic, you need to discuss what people have to say about their opinions regarding this topic. There are a lot of opinions out there, and when you are able to collect all of them in your essay, you will be able to make a better conclusion on the matter.Another thing that you need to consider is the number of subjects that you will be dealing with. Most college students tend to have at least three subjects to deal with; politics, religion, and current events. There are a lot of subjects that you can cover with these and you should have plenty of time for it. It is best that you write your essay in a manner where you can go back to each of the subjects that you will be dealing with and you can outline the main points of each.All of the subjects that you have covered in your essay must be very thorough and not just a list of things that you feel like writing about. You need to have a good idea of what you are going to write about, and then you need to make sure that you include an explanation of your thesis statement as well. A thesis statement is the actual reason that your essay exists. It is a set of statements that describe what you are going to write about.If you do not like writing out points, you must use something to help you organize your thoughts. One of the best ways that you can do this is to use a notebook and write down your thoughts each day. This is one of the most effective ways to help you write your final essay. The point is to keep it all organized and then you will find that it all fits together nicely.The good news is that there are a lot of resources that you can use when you are trying to write an essay on the topic. Not only can you use flash cards, you can also use journals, calendars, calculators, and other equipment that you can use to help you write your final piece. The se are just a few of the things that you can use to help you organize your thoughts, and this is how you will be able to fully convey your idea.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Movement Of The Jewish Culture - 2495 Words

Furthermore, by using the ‘feminist’ interpretation within this passage, Jesus didn’t want to discard tradition but wants to reform the freedom of woman from the restrictions and limitations of the rules and regulations of the Jewish culture and the tradition by bringing more equality in society. Women’s lives in Jesus’ time were overruled and dominated by a male figure , who were to control every aspect in their lives. This was due to the fact that women were seen to be unholy - more inclined to being sinful, and were submissive; hence one of Jesus’ missions became to reform the image of women. Hence by using the ‘feminist’ interpretation method, I can conclude that Jesus intentions of preaching to Mary, was for him to reform the Jewish culture, by spreading hope and strength among women – standing up for a new culture and a generation which will create a new and equal society. Therefore, by using the ‘feminist’ interpretation within this passage, we can conclude that in Jesus’ time, Jesus was a strong advocate to reforming society and allowing women to become equals to men, as God has created us all in the image and likeness of himself, hence why all humans are precious and a gift because God is precious and a gift. Jesus said â€Å"Mary has chosen the better path†, which implies the message of salvation is significant to all people. Hence, everyone is eligible to listen to the words of the Lord - not just men but also women. Therefore, this passage, emphasises the messageShow MoreRelatedThe Age Of Reason By Judaism1449 Words   |  6 Pagesbrought the Jewish community to a crossroads as they had to determine how far they would veer away from their Jewish values in efforts to fit into the new societies. Jewish philosophers were forced to offer options to the different sects of Judaism that correspond with those sects core valu es and ethics. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

Professional Essay examples - 1336 Words

Professional As people go through life, they most likely come upon a person who affects their life for the better, and sends them in the right direction. For some, however, they may never have a person who gives them this push, or perhaps someone had the opportunity to be that person who does the pushing, but does not. Many people have been propelled to success because of the care of another person. Some of these positive influences may include a parent, minister, or a friend. Though all three of these persons embody the needs of everybody from time to time, it is the teacher who connects these together and gives a person more that just an education. In every human’s life, they will come in direct contact with a teacher, whether it†¦show more content†¦I think that teaching a student to have a good character is more important that reading, writing, and arithmetic. I think the greatest profession that a person will endeavor upon is that of a parent. Most of the students that go through my classroom will become parents one day, and I want them to have the character that is needed to raise a child in the right ways. I believe that character development is the greatest reward of an education. I want students to look to me as a model of a good person. I think that is the greatest reward that a teacher can achieve. The feeling of someone going out learning how to be a good person and doing it based upon my actions is priceless, and will benefit more many more than I may ever know about. My classroom methods would mostly resemble a traditional classroom in that there is a certain base of knowledge that students should learn before they can move on. I agree with the essentialist theory because I think that there is much to be learned from the classical material. It has stood the test of time and much of today’s society is based around it. I do not however want to be a lecture-dominated instructor. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Medieval Anti Jewish Nationalism During The Reformation Of...

The sons of Israel must have lived in a constant state of fear ever since Christianity first saw a glimpse of power. Who else could draw the ire of the Christians than those who dare stain their fists with the sanguine blessing of the lord? Following the Catholic reformation of the Roman empire was the immediate vilification of the Jews, whose near constant state of poverty in separate settlements allowed the ruling population to maintain control of them while feigning fear. Medieval anti-Jewish sentiment was used by the leaders of the Christian masses as a mitigating force for their societal aches. The supposed treacheries of the Jews were simply common ailments of most civilizations. The beginning of the 10th century denotes the zealous†¦show more content†¦Once this point was reached, the people who actually met Jews were assuaged of guilt in their dealings with them. Peril was quick to follow when these remorseless folk were given reason to react, which is where Christianity took the reigns. Jews were guilty of â€Å"Blood Libel†, they were the killers of Jesus, who refused his love and would rather run to the arms of the anti-Christ or the Muslim invaders. The heavy Christian influence and the Crusades made it a dangerous time for Jews. To the Christian people of Europe the Jews became a venomous foe for which they could attack in the name of Christ. Ademar de Chabannes was a particularly fierce fighter against Jewish sacrilege. Ademar believes that the Jews were allies of the heretics and saracens and nearly identical to them because each of these groups rejected the truth of the Christian faith. In one of his later sermons, he clearly identifies Jews and heretics as essentially the same when he notes that just as the Jews in Jesus’ day refused to believe that he was the living bread, now, in Ademar’s own day, the heretics refuse to believe in the truth of the Eucharist Jews, with the murder of Christ became the living embodiment of Heresy, an ultimate rejection of faith. This crime gripped the heartstrings of the Christians so much so that any response had to be momentous. It became an irrational action to an unfathomable misdeed. A compounding factor was the Crusades. The Islamic-Christian conflict forcedShow MoreRelatedThe Catholic Church And Nazi Party Essay1775 Words   |  8 Pagesand even execution. The medieval Catholic Church and Nazi Party had common motives. However, those in di sagreement argue that one is a faith and the other is politics. The actions of the Nazi Party were distinct replications of those of the medieval Roman Catholic Church, which is a reminder to all that any prevailing party, whether it be political or religious, can command a threatening power. Catholicism was a prominent religion for over 1,000 years. Before the Reformation of the 1500s, anyone whoRead MoreAp European History Outline Chapter 10 Essay example5639 Words   |  23 Pagesobservation * Burckhardt saw the emergence of the modern world emerge from that of the pre-modern, or medieval, period * Some criticize Burckhardt for overlooking the continuity between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance * Scholars agree that the Renaissance (1375-1527)was a transition from medieval to modern times * Different from the feudal fragmentation of medieval times, Renaissance Europe was characterized by growing national consciousness and political centralization

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Marketing and Communication Plan Toyota Petite

Question: Discuss about the Marketing and Communication Plan for Toyota Petite. Answer: Introduction: The report is a business proposition for the idea of channel communication for the newest product of Toyota, Toyota Petite, which is all set to hit the market in another 10 months from now. The product is for sure innovative and the kind of world that we are living in, where everyone loves to be compact, this product is surely going to be a revolution(Hayes, 2013). This report will capture all the existing channels that we can leverage in order to enhance the know how of the product in front of the target audience and also the impacts that are projected on the identified set of stakeholders and what are the benefits that each of them can gauge through this innovation of Toyota. Target Audience: The compact size car that Toyota is launching now in the form of Toyota Petite is all set to tickle the customers requirement from all the ages and it is basically positioned to be the second preferred car of the people apart from the Luxury car that they may be using. Apart from that it is also positioned as the choice of the first car of the people, when they are buying the car for the first time. The working couples, who are planning to buy a second car, the retired couple, who just need car for regular visits within the city and the young population who are just planning to buy their first budget car are the target audience for whom the car is basically positioned(Kramer, 2010). This is the first of the kind of offering by Toyota as they are known for offering heavy cars to the customers. Product Introduction: Toyota Petite is a small 1000 cc car what is going to be launched in mostly developing countries in another 10 months time. This is the premiere innovation offered by the company in the segment of budget cars, which is the kind of choice people are making in the developing nation due to increasing issues of traffic and also due to the fact that people are not willing to invest a lot on the car needs. The target audience is already defined in the previous section. This is going to be car in the range of 4500 to 6000 USD and will be coming with the features of a premiere segment car like Toyota Etios. With these innovative offering and the defined market segment it is all set to become the peoples choice car and it has the potential of achieving that fate. Toyotas Management: The management of Toyota is the main stakeholder here since it is the first time that they are coming up with a car that is not heavy and is not in the luxury segment at all. This is a big step and is absolutely against the philosophy of Toyota till now. The major benefit that they can get is that they are all set to redefine the proposition and offering of Toyota and in case they are able to make it a big hit, then there will be an all new market that is open for Toyota which they are unable to tap till now(Humphrey, 2012). The management has a huge stake in order to make this car more successful and it is going to decide their stint success in the company. Shareholders: The shareholders of the company are the one who will get impacted on the largest scale, the people and the market always expects that Toyota will be launching a car in the luxury and heavy segment. The biggest expectation from the market is that Toyota will be launching something in the SUV segment post the innovation they have brought in Toyota Etios Hatchback. But when the compact car concept from Toyota is going to hit the market then it surely going to make a huge impact in the market and the sentiments are surely going to go up. However it depends on the performance of the car that if the sentiments will remain the way they are. Customer Base: The customer base here is the prospective customer base that Toyota is targeting through this new innovation. Toyota is a leader when it comes to power and performance and all their car is a huge hit. Now the new target audience will get the flavor of that performance in the form of Toyota Petite and that is going to be a huge success in the market Current Customer Base: The current customer base are an important and sadly the ignored lot of stakeholders who do not get the due worth that they deserve. There has to be some offers that needs to be floated in the market like buyback options and free test drive or even door step test drive. These things will earn Toyota the loyalty and people might consider buying the new offering(Jamieson, 2014). The overall things still remains the same that target audience is still what was defined earlier, however, the company must ensure that any leads or sales generated in a benefit for the taking and that is where the difference in the channel marketing comes in, the difference in tapping strategy of the company is something that will elevate the thought process of the customers. Production and manufacturing Manpower: There needs to be a change in mind set of the production and manufacturing manpower, as till now they are used to bringing up heavy and bulky car models in the market but now the strategy is flipped and the offering is a new one. In the same way there is a need to change the setup of the factory and the working style and dealing with compact cars is a different deal. Like the maintenance of jig need not to be very rigorous but the spare management has to be more rigorous and that is where the change in the mindset and working style will help the company a lot. This is a thorough case of change management and that can be achieved by properly devising the training and plan in case of this new concept to be inculcated in the culture. Communication Channel: Existing Communication Channel: There is a great communication channel that is already in place for Toyota, the loyal media partners and the distribution and retailer set up that is maintained thoroughly by them is all there to ensure that the right communication reaches the right set of people. However, the effectiveness of the classic style of communication is an objectionable thing as that will again link Toyota to the preliminary image that it is carrying it in the form of the legacy (The Chartered Institute of Marketing, 2016). The existing channel will be able to position the product on the first go itself in the eye catching manner and thus will be able to make an impact in the mind of the prospective customers as well(Risnen, 2011). The platform can be used as a Launchpad and not as the full-fledged solution to the communication process. Advertisement: The advertisements that Toyota has been following till date has been focused on product more and less on the customers and this is the first innovation that they are bringing up that is more focused towards the customers (Fill, 2011). There is a specific set of customers that they are targeting and hence the advertisements will be a huge scope of market penetration and this way it will have a higher impact in the mind of the customer(Egan, 2007). Through advertisements that idea is to ensure that the psychology of the people change and they start to treat Toyota as a peoples choice brand, they shall project and see the offering made in Toyota Petite and that is positioned to be as the peoples car. Advertisement hence has to be more customer focus and less of product focus. Automobile Magazines and Journals: This is where the real target audience will actually grab the eyeballs. The youth basically tend to make an informed choice and so does the working couples and for the retired couples the choices are made by children only. This induces the fact that in case there is a strong presence that is maintained in the journals and magazines then it is going to boost the communication by a large manner and hence it is going to be a huge positive for the company. The magazines will be able to cover the competitive focus and the esthetics of the car and the journals and articles will be able to cover the technical aspects of the car (Owen). Both these sources are thoroughly followed by the target audience making it to be the most appropriate manner of conventional communication system. These are however only focused towards the reading and the educated class that anyhow captures a huge level of customer base but still not all (Saeed, 2013). There are however other proposed modes of communication s discussed later that can be more appropriate for the customer base Toyota is trying to ideate. Positives and Negatives of the Existing Modes of Communications: Positives: The major positive aspect of the existing communication set up is that they are operationally stable and have been there for a long time. Toyota is maintaining a cordial link with these setups and hence they will be able to show instant fruits and results for them(Glasner, 2014). The contacts with the media houses and the journals will be able to get the traction in the desired customer base and that is very easy to achieve with these mediums. For the other readers and audience the advertisements will be able to make a huge impact. These are set traditional and conventional setups and will be there for the taking always. The people associated with Toyota knows the procedures and tastes very well and hence will be very impactful. Negatives: The negative aspects of these channels is that since they are set channels it is difficult to mold them in the desired manner now. The idea is shared in the previous section that the communication has to be more towards the customers and less towards the product. This is exactly opposite to how the Toyota communication channel has been running these while (Varey). There is a need to revamp the thinking of the channels in a way that they are able to understand the current psychology of the new desired set of customers and that is going to be very painstaking. The need to develop the new set is difficult and these efforts may also completely go in vain for them. Hence that is the reason the new channels are to be conceptualized and developed. Innovative Marketing Channel: Targeting the existing Customer base: This can be a breakthrough mode of customer development and equally innovative mode of creating the leads for the sales. The referral sales has an history of developing 34% more effective sales proposition and this it is in the case of core sales, where the pitch is directly made to the customers. The existing customer base are mostly the loyal customers of Toyota and there can be a chance that they might be looking for a second car option as well and that is where the enhanced services of Toyota towards their customers comes into picture. It is 56% more effective to actually grab the existing customer rather than developing a new one and this mode of communication is exactly the same. It is also in line with the business proposition as Petite is also positioned to be a second car for the family who already have a luxury car with them. The customers of Toyota are mainly luxury car owners and hence the pitch for a second car is always going to be handy and effective for the sales peop le(Sebastian, 2012). The people trust the quality and brand of Toyota and when it serving their core need then it is without a doubt a good offer(Kotler, 2010). Buyback of Old Toyota Cars: The buyback option is also a very handy option the restriction is not made only for Toyota cars, but also for the other brand cars. It is a heavily assumed hypothesis that many of the customers who visits to buy a Toyota car do not end up buying this car as they are expensive and hence they buy another car in the same league. There is no denial to the fact that the quality and services are heavily acknowledged. In the same pretext it is considered that if the option of buying a new Toyota Petite is given to the people they will be happy to exchange it with their existing car and that is further a very unique proposition for the company that no company has ever done in this league(Baines, 2008). Computing the effectiveness of the Communication Plan: Investment Expected: This is the setup expected to be implemented in two countries and will capture the three channel mode of communication and these are the estimated costs link to it: S.No. Channel Communication Subhead Cost ($s) 1 Advertisements Contracting 10000 Designing 5000 Testing 2000 Go Live (2 mins per day for 5 channels) 3000 2 Reconnect with existing customers Customer Connect 5000 Implementation Strategy 10000 3 Buyback system Strategy Designing 5000 Handling the old cars 5000 Total 50000 Impact: The following money is recoverable in a brief period of 11 months (assumption), since the car launch is in 10 months and by that time these communication channel can strategize the changes appropriately and hence can come up with a suitable business proposition good for the overall company. Conclusion: In the end it is concluded that the communication set up must be towards the customers and for the customers and not for the products and also the proposition must be towards the existing customer and not towards the acquisition of new customer base. The channel that is most suitable for the communication of Petite is the journals and magazines and the new channels that are to be developed must be around the leveraging the existing customer base by utilizing their leads and buying expectations. In this way the overall need of the sales and market penetration will be utilized and also the much needed marketing communication will also be set in place by the company. This is an important activity that needs immediate attention of the company and this is the most potent way of elaborating the customer base and ensuring that the sales are high and flying. There must not be any compromise around the services and offerings made in the market by Toyota. References Baines, P. F. 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