Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Frankenstein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Frankenstein - Essay Example The description is vague simply because Victor does not want to people to know the where about of the creature due to fear of humanitarian principals that’s why he fears the destructive nature of the creature even though he feels sympathy for the creature. Henry and victor in the book are friends who come together to pursue their dream in creating life. Although they contrast exist among them Victor his more of the old school and the genius behind creating life while Henry s still young and more concerned with real life situation. Justine was implicated in the murder of William by the creature after implanting locket from William’s throat into the pocket of Justine while she slept. Justine confesses swearing die before Elizabeth. The creature is supernatural horror straight from our nightmares. He is massive, powerful, and extremely intelligent. He can survive harsh weather especially cold, can watch people without them suspecting, and even puts the locket in Justines pocket while she is distracted. This is completely different from our modern view of Frankensteins creature who is a lumbering, groaning idiot. Victor believes he will be killed on his wedding night. We, the reader, never believe he is the one who will be killed. This is a use of dramatic irony, where the character is not aware of something the audience

Monday, October 28, 2019

Nine Major Regulatory Bodies Essay Example for Free

Nine Major Regulatory Bodies Essay 1. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The IRS was established in 1913. Its purpose is to administer and enforce the internal revenue laws. Its stated mission is to provide America’s taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and by applying the tax law with integrity and fairness to all. (Internal Revenue Service, 2008) 2. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 created the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to regulate the securities market. â€Å"The mission of the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation†(U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2008) 3. Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF). The Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF) is a private sector organization that formed in 1972 to create standards for financial accounting. Its mission is to â€Å"establish financial accounting and reporting standards through an independent and open process, resulting in financial reports that provide decision useful information† (Financial Accounting Foundation, 2008) 4. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The (FAF) formed the (FASB) in 1973 to set up standards for nongovernmental accounting and reporting. The mission of (FASB) is â€Å"to establish and improve standards of financial accounting and reporting for the guidance and education of the public, including issuers, auditors, and users of financial information (Financial Accounting Standards Board, 2008) 5. Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The Governmental Accounting Standards Board was organized in 1984 by FAF to generate GAAP for state and local governments. The mission of the GASB is to establish and improve standards of state and local government accounting and financial reporting that will result in useful information for users of financial reports and guide and educate the, including issuers, auditors, and users of those financial reports. (Governmental Accounting Standards Board, 2008) 6. Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board. The (FASAB) was established in 1990 by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Comptroller General to produce GAAP for the federal government. The mission of the FASAB is to promulgate federal accounting standards after considering the financial and budgetary information, needs of citizens, congressional oversight groups, executive agencies, and the needs of other users of federal financial information. (Federal Accounting Standards Accounting Standards Advisory Board, 2008) 7. International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) Since its inception in 2001 the (IASB) has created global GAAP and standards. The mission of the (IASB) â€Å"is to develop, in the public interest a single set of high quality, understandable and international financial reporting standards (IFRS’s) for general purpose financial statements† (International Accounting Standards Board, 2008) 8. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) established the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board to issue auditing standards for public auditing firms. The mission of the PCAOB is to oversee the auditors of public companies in order to protect the interests of investors and further the public interest in the preparation of informative, fair, and independent audit reports (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, 2008) 9. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants was born in 1887. The mission of the (AICP) â€Å"is to provide members with the resources, information, and leadership that enable them to provide valuable services in the highest professional manner to benefit the public as well as employers and clients† (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 2008) References American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. (2008). AICPA Mission. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board. (n.d.). Welcome to the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from Financial Accounting Foundation. (n.d.). FAF Strategic Plan. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from Financial Accounting Standards Board. (n.d.). Facts About FASB. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from Governmental Accounting Standards Board. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2008, from Internal Revenue Service. (n.d.). The Agency, its Mission and Statutory Authority. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from,,id=98141,00.html International Accounting Standards Board. (n.d.). About Us. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. (2008). Our Mission. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2008, November 7). The Investors Advocate: How the SEC Protects Investors, Maintains Market Integrity, and Facilitates Capital Formation. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Beatles :: Essay on The Beatles

The Beatles were an extremely popular and influential group in Rock n' Roll. My question is, "Why?" What drew thousands upon thousands of screaming fans to these four British musicians? Was it something in the sound of the instruments? Could it have been the bass beat, or maybe the guitar playing? What about their lyrics? They had a certain personality, too. Was that it? Let's look at each of these, and some other factors as well. What is the first thing you wonder when you hear something new on the radio? You wonder who sings it. The first thing you see when you pick up an album is who sings or performs it. Hmm? This suggests the power of a catchy title. Something out of the ordinary to catch the eye. Something misspelled, perhaps? The Beetles? No, The Beatles. What's in their name? In the words of Beatle John Lennon, "when you hear it, the name is little crawly things. When you see it, it's"beat" music." I think that's quite attractive to a record store browser, don't you? Of course, another thing that could catch a browsing customer would be the pictures on the album. The fronts of record albums are versatile that way because one can fit a lot on them. I have looked at the images on a few Beatles' records and, I must say, they are rather attractive and flashy. One particular cover that I was able to view is an album that went unreleased due to its picture. On the cover there is a photograph of The Beatles in a butcher shop with carcasses hanging around them; it certainly caught the eye. On another album, the boys were all dressed up in Spanish bullfighter uniforms that were gaudy enough to catch the eye of a blind man. The sounds that the ear hears in a song are without a doubt important to the person's opinion of that song. To examine the sound of the instruments, I played the Anthology music through a stereo with adjustable graphic equalizers. On a few songs, I isolated the bass, and therefore the bass beat, then the treble, which includes vocals and guitar, and finally, the background, which is mostly Ringo's drums. The first thing I noticed was a particularly catchy beat. It was generally quick and moderately heavy. This would seem to be easy to dance, or toe tap, to. I also listened intently to the guitar throughout the songs, especially the guitar solos. George Harrison plays solos in "I Saw Her Standing There" and "Money", that sound quick and surge forth with an ear catching sound.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Serial Killers Essay

Why do some people kill other people? More importantly, why do some people enjoy killing lots of people just for the fun of it? This is a basic description of what a serial killer is. But what possesses these human beings to commit such heinous crimes? Some say that genetics are responsible, while others blame the environment that the killers grew up in. The causes of psychopathy remain a mystery. We don’t even have a reasonable answer to the question of whether psychopathy is a product of Mother Nature or a part of upbringing. One of the best sources of information about whether traits are a result or nature of nurture comes from the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, a project originally led by Minnesota Professor of Psychology Thomas Joseph Bouchard, Jr. This study has shown that psychopathy is 60 percent heritable, which indicates that psychopathic traits are due more to DNA than to upbringing. Recent genetic studies of twins imply that identical twins may not be as genetically similar as previously assumed. Though only a couple hundred mutations take place throughout early fetal development, the mutations are likely to multiply over the years, leading to infinite genetic differences. This leaves open the possibility that psychopathic traits are largely genetically determined. Another factor pointing towards the idea that psychopathy is genetically determined was identified by in a study at University of Wisconsin, Madison. When dealing with the terrible notion that some people take pride in murdering others, one should expect some abnormality in the brain, the immediate source of psychopathic traits. Scans of the brain revealed that psychopathy in criminals was associated with reduced connectivity between the amygdala, a part of the brain that processes negative stimuli, and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), a region in the front of the brain that deciphers the r eaction from the amygdala. When the connection between these two areas is low, processing of negative stimuli in the amygdala does not translate into any strongly felt negative emotions. This fits well into the picture we have of psychopaths. They do not feel nervous or embarrassed  when they are caught doing something bad. They do not feel sad when other people suffer. They are incapable of experiencing empathy and love. Even though they can feel physical pain, they themselves are not in a position to suffer from emotions hurts. The Wisconsin, Madison study shows a relationship between criminal psychopathy and brain abnormality. As this brain abnormality in the majority of cases of psychopathic criminals is not abruptly acquired, there is good reason to think that it’s grounded in the psychopath’s DNA. There are, however, some limitations of the study because it measured criminal psychopaths, but not all psychopaths are criminals. Everyday you walk by people who are aggressive, narcissistic, manipulative, and impulsive. They may be considered psychopaths, but they were able to move away from fantasies of murder and destruction. Another limitation of the study is that it doesn’t show that reduced activity between the amygdala and vmPFC is an irregularity specifically connected to psychopathy rather than to a range of mental disorders that have been associated with severe crimes, including paranoid schizophrenia and extreme sexual fetishes. And though the Wisconsin study sheds some light on what may bring about the traits of psychopathy, it still remains puzzling. We don’t know the reason behind the reduced connectivity in the emotional system. It could be caused by a dysfunction of neurotransmitters, for example, by a disturbance to the main excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Or it could be a degenerative disease that leads to a reduction of the brain’s white matter, which is responsible for connectivity among neurons. We may never actually know. What we do know, or at least understand, is that a disproportionate number of serial killers exhibit one, two, or all three of the Macdonald triad of predictors for future violent behavior. These being: Animal Cruelty, Pyromania, and Bed Wetting. Torturing animals is an incredible red flag, whether you’re trying to find a killer or not. Animals are often seen as â€Å"practice† for killing real human beings. Jeffery Dahmer, the â€Å"Milwaukee Cannibal†, was notorious for his animal cruelty, cutting off the heads of dogs and placing them on a stick behind his house. Ed Kemper, â€Å"The Co-ed Killer†, buried the family cat while it was still alive, dug it up again, and then finished by cutting off its head. But not all serial killers take their angers out on pets. Dennis Nilsen, otherwise known as the â€Å"Muswell  Hill Murderer† and the â€Å"Kindly Killer†, loved animals, especially his dog Bleep. Rapist torturer and murderer of eight, â€Å"Beauty Queen Killer† Christopher Wilder had made donations to Save The Whales and the Seal Rescue Fund. Nevertheless, the majority of multiple murderers have, at some point in their lives, tortured and/or killed an innocent, non-human creature. But this pain suffered by animals is not the only warning sign out there. â€Å"Oh, what ecstasy,† said American serial killer Joseph Kallinger, â€Å"setting fires brings to my body! What power I feel at the thought of fire! †¦ Oh, what pleasure, what heavenly pleasure!† Pyromania, an impulse control disorder where someone constantly fails to resist the desire to deliberately start fires in order to relieve tension or for instant gratification, is often a sexually stimulating activity for these killers. Known as both â€Å"The Vampire of Dà ¼sseldorf† and the â€Å"Dà ¼sseldorf Monster†, Peter Kurten enjoyed watching houses burn, and David Berkowitz (Son of Sam), when he tired of torturing his mother’s parakeet, became a prolific pyromaniac, keeping record of his 1,411 fires. The vivid damage of property feeds the same perverse need to end the life of another human. Because serial killers don’t see people as more than objects, the leap between setting fires and killing people is simple and easy to make. The last of Macdonald triad, bed wetting, is the most intimate of these symptoms, and is less likely to be intentionally revealed. By some estimates, 60% of multiple murderers wet their beds past adolescence. Kenneth Bianchi, one of the â€Å"Hillside Strangers†, apparently spent many a night marinating in urine-soaked sheets. Though these â€Å"symptoms† may be present in serial killers, they are not confirmed to be the root cause of multiple murders. What happens during adolescence may play a role in the molding of a serial killer, but it can’t be the sole reason in every case. Many killers blame their families for their behavior, seeking sympathy. It is true psychopathic fashion. Serial killers more often than not blame someone else for their disturbing actions. But if their bad childhood is the primary reason for their homicidal tendencies, then why don’t their siblings also become serial killers? And if these conditions truly molded them, serial killers would probably be everywhere by now. We must look at other components to see what pushes a serial killer over the edge. What is it that pulls the trigger? Experts in studying serial killers have named the triggers that set off the psychopath’s murderous actions, a â€Å"stressor†. â€Å"Stressors† are events that prompt the killer into action. They can be simple or complicated ranging from arguments, physical injury, or the loss of a job to parental conflict, financial stress, marital problems, legal problems, or stress from a death. As the killer struggles with frustration, anger, and resentment, the fantasies of killing can surpass reality. Christopher Wilder (Beauty Queen killer) claims his murderous rampage began after his marriage proposal was rejected. According to Joel Norris, author of several books about Serial Killers, there are seven phases of the serial killer’s cycle: 1) The Aura Phase, where the killer starts to lose grip on reality; 2) The Trolling Phase, when the killer hunts for a victim; 3) The Wooing Phase, where the killer lures his victim in; 4) The Capture Phase, where the victim is cau ght; 5) The Murder phase, which is the emotional and possibly sexual high for killers; 6) The Totem phase, when the excitement from the kill starts to fade and they wake from their fantasy; and finally, 7) The Depression Phase, which happens after the murder has occurred. The killer-to-be starts with the Aura Phase, where they begin to lose reality and their senses heighten. This is when the killer distances himself (or herself) from social interactions. Nevertheless, anyone who encounters this person may not be able to notice his or her change in personality. The killer becomes antisocial and believes life no longer has meaning to them. This phase could last anywhere from a few moments to a few months and can originate as an extended fantasy that often include sadism, sex, and/or other violent acts, which most likely stem from early childhood experiences. These may have been active for a short time or for years. The killer might attempt to medicate themselves with alcohol or drugs, which usually leads to an intensification of the fantasies. But soon enough, they have the urge to be acted upon. This leads us into the second stage, the Trolling Phase. Here, the killer tries to find a victim. Most serial killers will search for a victim in places he is comfortable in or where he knows the area (the â€Å"comfort zone† may be around where the killer lives). Their hunting ground usually tends to  be in schoolyards, lovers lanes, or even red light districts. They will also look for a particularly discreet location to commit the murder, and a perfect place to dump the bodies. The hunting can go on for hours, days, and sometimes months before the â€Å"perfect† victim will be found. Also during this phase, the serial killer often follows a behavior pattern used to identify and stalk his victim. This explains why Ted Bundy strapped his arm in a sling and asked for help with books, packages, or even the hull of a sailboat to lure the victim into his car. Some victims escaped and said he never seemed out of control until the moment he actually attacked them. This goes along with how well a psychopath can cover up his true intentions. They aren’t dumb, but they also aren’t always careful. In the Wooing Phase, the killer tries to win the confidence of a victim before luring them into a trap. This phase is only done by organized killers who are much more confident, much more daring, and have better social skills than disorganized killers. They try to socialize with the victim and – as stated before – try to gain the victim’s trust. This is a very important phase because it can be noted that organized killers often seem to only kill those who allow them to get in close. Once the trust is received, the killer will then lure the victim to a quiet, secluded area where they then uncover their mask and move on to the next part of their plan. The fourth stage is the Capture Phase. This is where the killer reveals what they are. The capture of the victim can be as swift as snapping a handcuff on the victim’s wrists, or a violent blow that leaves the victim helpless. The killer may draw their victim into their car without a door handle one could use as an escape. They usually savor this moment, which is disturbingly fun for them and fuels their sadistic needs. The victim is usually transported to a new location, far out from people and help. Once the killer is sure that the victim has no way to escape, they move to the climax phase of the cycle, the actual murder. The Murder Phase is described as â€Å"the ritual reenactment of the disastrous experiences of the killer’s childhood†, but this time the roles are reversed. The killer may decide to kill their victim instantly or torture them, try to revive them on the brink of death and then continue with the torture. This gives them a strong sense of power over the helpless victim, putting them in a God like position, being the one who decides if  they live or die (usually ending in the latter). A disorganized killer is more likely to kill the victim instantly by a powerful attack or a quick strangulation. It is likely that the corpse is heavily â€Å"depersonalized† by mutilations of face and body. Any violent acts such as rape are often taken place after the victim is dead which is fueled by necrophilia, the attraction to the dead. It’s the organized killer who commits a much slower and more painful murder act. The victim is more likely to be tortured and raped before death. The act of killing is usually delayed because the murder itself is often not the motive of the crime; but rather, it’s the torturing that the killer enjoys most. This is especially true in sadistic killers, the most organized of all killers. This type will keep their victims alive as long as possible, sometimes reviving them from injuries, and keep them alive enough to feel the pain from the tortures. The sexual sadistic killers will use different equipment or their â€Å"murder kit†, to inflict the most pain. Eventually, the killer will finish with the torture and finally proceed to kill. The second-to-last phase is the Totem Phase. After the kill, the excitement the killer feels suddenly declines as he wakes up from his fantasy. He is likely to become depressed, which is why some serial killers develop a ritual to preserve their murder. They may collect some of their victim’s possessions such as clothes, save news clippings about their crimes, take pictures or videotape the crime. Some even cut off their victim’s body parts to preserve and/or consume them. These are their trophies and are meant to give the murderer the same feelings of power they experienced at the time of the kill and to remind himself/herself that the fantasy is real, and he/she really did fulfill it. We reach the end of the cycle at the Depression Phase. This can last for days, weeks, or even months. They may even become so depressed that they attempt suicide. A dead victim no longer represents what the killer thought he or she represented, and the memory of the individual that tortured the murderer in the past is still there. It can be said that the first kill is the only one where the killer feels at his best. They may try to get that feeling back with each subsequent kill, but the moment will forever be gone. In each subsequent murder, he attempts to make the scene of the crime equal to the fantasy. It’s noted that there is an absence of the killer’s sense of self and, during this phase, the killer may confess to the police before the fantasies  start once more. However, because victims are not seen as people, memories of the murders may be vague or viewed by the killer as having watched someone else. Eventually, the killer will fall back into their fantasies and proceed to restart the cycle. After each murder, the fantasy will become more real and the murder will become more brutal as the cycle continues on and on until the pattern gets interrupted. Interruption includes getting caught, or when the killer is â€Å"burnt out.† When the killer is â€Å"burnt out,† he/she withdraws from killing, and possibly commits suicide. This is one of the reasons why there are so many unsolved serial murder cases. However, the chances are that the killer will not stop killing on his/her own. Serial killing is an addiction, a sickness that cannot be cured. It can be studied, it can be stopped one-by-one, but human nature dictates that killers will exist as long as our minds cannot be contained, and so; Serial Killers Will Never Go Extinct. Dahmer, Lionel. Father’s Story Egger, Steven. Killers Among Us Everitt, David, and Harold Schechter. A To Z Encyclopedia of Serial Killers Jennifer Furio The Serial Killer Letters: A Penetrating Look Inside the Minds of Murderers. The Charles Press Publishers, 1998. Leyton, Elliott. Hunting Humans; Inside the Mind of Mass Murderers Martingale, Moira. Cannibal Killers Meloy, J. Reid. Psychopathic Mind; Origins, Dynamics, and Treatment Norris, Joel. Serial Killers: The Growing Menace Seltzer, Mark. Serial Killers Richard Tithecott Of Men and Monsters: Jeffrey Dahmer and the Construction of

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

High Attrition Rate at Call Center Industry: an Hr Manager’s View

UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION This Research Proposal is being presented to the Faculty of the Department of Human Resource Development & Management Entitled: High Turnover Rate and Employee Benefits in Call Center Industries: The HR Manager’s View By: Buotan, Aldrin M. Dimaculangan, Rey Karl A. Flores, John Andrew S. Malabanan, John Peter M. Marquez, Gerard Ephraim L. Tagunicar, Cedie N. September 1, 2012 Espana, Manila IntroductionToday’s best companies understand the real key to maintaining a world-class workforce is not just to hire the best employees, but to keep them once they are hired. Retaining progressive workforce has not been an easy task to every employer or organization and thus becomes a real challenge to cope up with the fast pace business world currently we are on and if this fails, surely high turnover rates will occur and will be prominent in an organization. An employee turnover rate refers to the movement o f employees out of an organization.It is often cited as one of the factors behind the failure of an employee productivity rate and is also one of the chief determinants of labour supply (Snell & Bohlander, 2010, Principles of Human Resource Management, 15th edition, United States, p,415). Competing organizations are constantly looking to steal top performers, and â€Å"poaching talent is becoming an increasingly common way for organizations to build themselves them up as a larger company to be able to expand and earn more profits, while at the same time tearing their competitors down (Noe et. l. 2010, Human Resource management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage, 7th edition, New York, p461). Turnover comes in good times and in bad, to good companies and to those that are struggling of every size. Losing a good and talented employee is never easy, and sometimes is predictable, but sometimes, it can be prevented, â€Å"you can’t run a service business when you are at war with y our employees† (Greg Davdidowitch, Noe et. al, 2010, Human Resource Management: Gaining Competitive Advantage, 7th edition, New York).Knowing the rate of turnover at a certain organization is the first step to understanding whether employees’ departs within the range of normal for a type of business and industry. Turnover is a key benchmark in assessing the health and stability of organizations. A high turnover rate suggests there may be something wrong with the basic structure of a company, its salary levels or even its benefits. Too high turnover rate can also mean that an organization is losing productivity and knowledge, including an understanding of products and processes. The consequences of the loss are both financial and in the morale of those who remain.Leading reasons that employees give for their departure: a better opportunity or increased responsibilities, higher pay or more benefits, or they are moving to a different location. Benefits may one of the best reasons to reduce turnover rate and increase the retention in an industry. Employee benefits that is part of the total compensation package, other than pay for a worker, provided employees in whole or in part by employer payments, example of which are life insurance, pension, workers compensation and vacation (Milkovich, G & Newman, J1984, Compensation, New York, p. ). Employee benefits are compensations given to employees in addition to regular salaries or wages. Some benefits are legally required, e. g. , social security benefits, Medicare, retirement benefits, maternity benefits, service incentive leave, etc. Other benefits are offered by the employer as an incentive to attract and retain employees as well as increase employee morale and improve job performance (Labor and Employment Blawg†¦ A work in progress, June 1, 2010, Philippine Labor Laws, < http://www. laborlaw. usc-law. rg>, viewed: August 22, 2012). Aside from giving benefits mandate by law, there are other benefit s that an industry can offer to reduce their turnover rate. Our study will focus on how an industry uses its turnover rate in making decisions to improve their benefits program. The researchers have chosen the call center industries in the Philippines to best suit their subject matter about employee turnover rate and benefits. There are certain reports and data that shows the high turnover rate over call center industries locally.Turnover rate in the country’s call center has gotten so worse that it has hit 60 to 80 percent, according to the Call Center Association of the Philippines (CCAP) (AURELIO A. PENA, Davao Today March 20, 2008, http://www. gmanetwork. com/news/story/85640/news/specialreports/rp-call-centers-reel-from-world-s-highest-turnover, viewed: 8/20/2012). Globally, it is an accepted norm in the industry to have a 30 to 40 per cent turnover. Both Australia and India call centers have turnover rates of only six to 10 percent.Top government officials are alarmed t hat an emerging industry that has generated around 2 billion US dollars in annual revenues is reeling from a worsening turnover crisis. Labor accounts for between 65% and 75% of the ongoing costs of running a contact center. But employee turnover is so high in the call center industry that much of that money is spent on repeated efforts to hire and train people who aren’t right in the first place, and/or are managed ineffectively, resulting in high turnover.Call center organizations have come to accept that a recurring percentage of their workforce will have to be replaced every year. Those replacements will have to be found, assessed and trained. And then the cycle will repeat again, as a percentage of those new hires will in turn leave. The average turnover is about 35% in the call center industry, which means – in three years, an entire contact center agent pool will have been turned over (Inova Solutions, July 5, 2011, â€Å"Reducing Agent Turnover in Contact Cent ers† viewed 8/20/2012, http://blog. novasolutions. com/2011/). This studies shows that there are certainly high turnover rates on call center industries in the Philippines. A study conducted by Datacraft Asia in 2009 suggested that Asian call center agents are aware of the large demand for their service, so they are confident that they can easily land a new job after they resign. Better salary offer from other call center outsourcing firms, tight and shifting schedules, stress from dealing with difficult customers and lack of holiday breaks are also causing many agents to leave their job.Also, allegations of labor code violations in small call centers are on the rise. Some agents who did not receive incentives or bonuses as promised during recruitment are likely to terminate their contract (Eli, May 24 2011, Philippine call center outsourcing industry fights attrition rate, http://outsourceyourcallcenter. com, viewed: 8/20/2012). Due to this high turnover rates that are curren tly in call center industries, there are certain solutions pertaining to benefits and motivation that could help to lower down the high turnover on call center industries.Government mandated benefits such as: Social Security System (SSS) contributions, Philippine Health Insurance (Phil Health) contributions, Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-ibig Fund) contributions, 13th month pay, service incentive leave, meal and rest periods, overtime pay, special holiday/rest day rates, and night shift differentials and company benefits such as: holiday bonus, mid-year bonus, and paid holiday and vacation leaves (Honey Amabelle D. Young, March 8, 2012, â€Å"Employee Benefits in the Philippines†, weblog, viewed: August 22, 2012, < asyoutsource. om/blog/>). With these benefits, call center industries will surely lower down their turnover rate and could save more money on costly training and development programs. Other companies give a little more than the minimum benefits required by law in order to be competitive or at least be at par with community or industry practices. There are also employers who give more benefits than required out of compassion for employees who are loyal to the company. Managers of call center face many challenges.They are responsible for operations that are capital intensive, with a high demand for continual investment to keep up with rapid developments in technology. They are also responsible, in many cases, for large numbers of staff often working with different shifts. Human resources manager in call center industries plays a vital role in valuing employees to reduce high turnover rate and improve their company retention capability. HR managers have the â€Å"bird’s eye† view on what is happening on personnel related issued on an industry.Their views on issues such as turnover rates and giving benefits to their employees are important points to consider because they are the one who would create certain solutions to such pro blems for the more efficient and smoother run of a call center industry. As HR students and future HR managers, the researchers would like to understand and to get the views and insights of HR managers on this phenomenon and find out if there are improvements to employee benefits to lower this turnover rates.As HR students, the researchers would like to spearhead this study in order to analyze and make realistic solutions that could help the call center industries on this growing phenomenon. The researchers will conduct a semi-structured interview to the HR Manager of call center industries here in the Philippines. The following central questions will guide the interviewers: 1. ) How do Human Resources Managers view on the high turnover rate on call center industries? 2. ) What new benefits are implemented to reduce turnover rate and what changes in employee benefits were introduced to improve employee retention?Our study will focus on how a call center industry uses its turnover ra te in making decisions to improve their benefits program rates in call center industries. Methodology Research Design The research design that the researchers adapted in this study is phenomenological research design, particularly the transcendental or psychological phenomenology. This design aims to get the meaning of as this is a qualitative analysis of narrative data, methods to analyze its data must be quite different from more traditional or quantitative methods of research (Janet Waters, â€Å"Psychology; Capillano University, viewed: August, 25, 2012, http://www2. apilanou. ca). This type of research design is the most effective in terms of expressing the essence of how high turn-over rate shapes the organizations’ benefit system. Data Gathering Procedure The researchers has gathered — Human Resource Managers from different Call Centers Companies, both Local(PacificHub) and International(HSBC and PhilAm Life) Companies, who have an adequate years of experience in dealing with the prevalent High Turn-Over rate in their previous and present employers.The subjects’ group age ranges from late 20s to the late 40s with the average years of experience of 3 to 10 years from the same employers. The researcher adopts a person-centered and holistic perspective. It helps to generate an in-depth account that will help the researcher a picture of reality regarding their lived experience to answer the researcher inquiry about the subject. The researchers will conduct their interview by setting a date time for each manager during the collection of data or their answers regarding the interview.The Researchers will proceed to the process of meeting the manager and Data Collection. Each session may last up to 2 hours, depending on the interviewee’s length of views and insights on their experiences also known as Extended Interview. Story telling will be conducted also to ask the emotions of the HR Manager and his/her intellectual memory and con sciousness about the turnover rate in call center industries. The Researcher has chosen Call Canter Companies that has attrition rate of 30 to 40 % to be able to qualify as a reliable source of information about the topic. Data ExploitationDuring the interview, the main concern of the researchers was to get the view of HR manager in the high turnover rate and the benefits given? The questionnaire for HR mangers shall include their robotfoto (Kelchtermans & Ballet 2002), basis on the rate of employee turnover in the last 3 years, number of employees employed and the employee benefits or other discretionary benefits given. The researchers will be using an interview to gather the participants' descriptions of their experience, or the participants' written or oral self-report, or even their aesthetic expressions (e. . art, narratives, or poetry, essays). The phenomenon of high turnover rate is the main subject of this research and how the HR managers have experienced it in call center i ndustries. This research is going to be conducted by taking interview; Interview is the appropriate method for collecting of data and giving a questionnaire to the Human Resource managers with full knowledge in the call center industry chosen by the researchers, to find out their view on the high turnover rate and benefits given to their employees.The HR Managers are chosen by their number of years in service in the industry. After the researchers gather the essential data for their research, they will, and then follow the Collaizi’s Procedure, reading and re-reading of the interview and analyzing or extraction of the information to significant statements or quotes and coming up with the categories (Cool Analysis) and combines the statements into themes (Warm Analysis).The researchers will develop phenomenal referents of the person’s interviewed. After this procedure, the researchers can gather the data by the use of data analytic tools in data reduction such as Repert ory or Kelly Grid in order to categorized and give themes to the insights/referents of the manager. Study site Data Gathering Procedure

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Constantine at the Battle of Milvian Bridge

Constantine at the Battle of Milvian Bridge The Battle of Milvian Bridge was part of the Wars of Constantine. Date Constantine defeated Maxentius on October 28, 312. Armies Commanders Constantine Emperor Constantine Iapproximately 100,000 men Maxentius Emperor Maxentiusapproximately 75,000-120,000 men Battle Summary In the power struggle that began following the collapse of the Tetrarchy around 309, Constantine consolidated his position in Britain, Gaul, the Germanic provinces, and Spain. Believing himself to be the rightful emperor of the Western Roman Empire, he assembled his army and prepared for an invasion of Italy in 312. To the south, Maxentius, who occupied Rome, sought to advance his own claim to the title. To support his efforts, he was able to draw upon the resources of Italy, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, and the African provinces. Advancing south, Constantine conquered northern Italy after crushing Maxentian armies at Turin and Verona. Showing compassion to the citizens of the region, they soon began to support his cause and his army swelled to near 100,000 (90,000 infantry, 8,000 cavalry). As he neared Rome, it was expected that Maxentius would stay within the city walls and force him to lay siege. This strategy had worked in the past for Maxentius when he faced invasion from the forces of Severus (307) and Galerius (308). In fact, siege preparations had already been made, with large amounts of food already brought into the city. Instead, Maxentius opted to give battle and advanced his army to the Tiber River near the Milvian Bridge outside of Rome. This decision is largely believed to have been based on favorable omens and the fact that the battle would occur on the anniversary of his ascension to the throne. On October 27, the night before the battle, Constantine claimed to have had a vision which instructed him fight under the protection of the Christian God. In this vision a cross appeared in the sky and he heard in Latin, in this sign, you will conquer. The author Lactantius states that following the visions instructions, Constantine ordered his men to paint the Christians symbol (either a Latin cross or the Labarum) upon their shields. Advancing over the Milvian Bridge, Maxentius ordered it destroyed so that it could not be used by the enemy. He then ordered a pontoon bridge constructed for his own armys use. On October 28, Constantines forces arrived on the battlefield. Attacking, his troops slowly pushed back Maxentius men until their backs were at the river. Seeing that the day was lost, Maxentius decided to retreat and renew the battle closer to Rome. As his army withdrew, it clogged the pontoon bridge, its only avenue of retreat, ultimately causing it to collapse. Those trapped on the north bank were either captured or slaughtered by Constantines men. With Maxentius army split and decimated, the battle came to a close. Maxentius body was found in the river, where he had drowned in an attempt to swim across. Aftermath While casualties for the Battle of the Milvian Bridge are not known, it is believed that Maxentius army suffered badly. With his rival dead, Constantine was free to consolidate his hold over the Western Roman Empire. He expanded his reign to include the entire Roman Empire after defeating Licinius during the civil war of 324. Constantines vision prior to the battle is believed to have inspired his ultimate conversion to Christianity. Selected Sources Constantine the GreatLactantius Account of the BattleEusebius Life of Constantine

Monday, October 21, 2019

Upton Sinclair Quotes

Upton Sinclair Quotes Born in 1878, Upton Sinclair is a renowned American author. A prolific writer and a Pulitzer-prize winner, Sinclairs work was rooted in and driven by his strong political convictions in socialism. This is evident in the novel that he is most famous for, The Jungle, which inspired the Meat Inspection Act. The book, based on his experiences with Chicagos meatpacking industry, is highly critical of capitalism. Here are 10 left-leaning quotes from Upton Sinclair on his work and his political views. After reading these, youll understand why Sinclair was seen as an inspirational but also provocative figure and why President Theodore Roosevelt, who was president at the time The Jungle  was published, found the writer a nuisance.   Relationship With Money It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon  his  not understanding it. The private control of credit is the modern form of slavery. Fascism is capitalism plus murder. I aimed at the publics heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach.- Regarding The Jungle The rich people not only had all the money, they had all the chance to get more; they had all the  knowledge  and the power, and so the poor man was down, and he had to stay down.-  The Jungle Mans Flaws Man is an evasive beast, given to cultivating strange notions about himself. He is humiliated by his simian  ancestry,  and tries to deny his animal nature, to persuade himself that he is not limited by its weaknesses nor concerned in its fate. And this impulse may be  harmless,  when it is genuine. But what are we to say when we see the formulas of heroic self-deception made use of by unheroic self-indulgence?-   Profits of Religion It is foolish to be convinced without evidence, but it is equally foolish to refuse to be convinced by real evidence. Activism You dont have to be satisfied with America as you find it. You can change it. I didnt like the way I found America some sixty years ago, and Ive been trying to change it ever since. Societal Cynicism   Journalism is one of the devices whereby industrial autocracy keeps its control over political democracy; it is the day-by-day, between-elections propaganda, whereby the minds of the people are kept in a state of acquiescence, so that when the crisis of an election comes, they go to the polls and cast their ballots for either one of the two candidates of their exploiters. The great corporation which employed you lied to you, and lied to the whole country- from top to bottom it was nothing but one gigantic lie.- The Jungle

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Anatomy of a Delphi Unit (for Beginners)

The Anatomy of a Delphi Unit (for Beginners) If you plan on being a good Delphi programmer than words like interface, implementation, and uses need to have special place in your programming knowledge. Delphi Projects When we create a Delphi application, we can start with a blank project, an existing project, or one of Delphis application or form templates. A project consists of all the files needed to create our target application.   The dialog box that pops up when we choose View-Project Manager lets us get access to the form and units in our project.   A project is made up of a single project file (.dpr) that lists all the forms and units in the project. We can look at and even edit the Project file (lets call it a  Project Unit) by choosing View - Project Source. Because Delphi maintains the project file, we should not normally need to modify it manually, and in general it is not recommended for inexperienced programmers to do so. Delphi Units As we know by now, forms are a visible part of most Delphi projects. Each form in a Delphi project also has an associated unit. The unit contains the source code for any event handlers attached to the events of the form or the components it contains. Since units store the code for your project, units are the basic of Delphi programming. Generally speaking, unit is a collection of constants, variables, data types, and procedures and functions that can be shared by several applications. Every time we create a new form (.dfm file), Delphi automatically creates its associated unit (.pas file) lets call it a  Form Unit. However, units dont have to be associated with forms. A  Code Unit contains code that is called from other units in the project. When you start building libraries of useful routines, you will probably store them in a code unit. To add a new code unit to Delphi application choose File-New ... Unit. Anatomy Whenever we create a unit (form or code unit) Delphi adds the following code sections automatically: unit header,  interface  section,  implementation  section. There are also two optional sections:  initialization  and  finalization. As you will see, units have to be in a  predefined  format so that the compiler can read them and compile the units code. The  unit header  starts with the reserved word  unit, followed by the units name. We need to use the units name when we refer to the unit in the uses clause of another unit. Interface Section This section contains the  uses  clause that lists the other units (code or form units) that will be used by the unit. In case of form units Delphi automatically adds the standard units such as Windows, Messages, etc. As you add new components to a form, Delphi adds the appropriate names to the uses list. However, Delphi does not add a uses clause to the interface section of code units- we have to do that manually. In the unit interface section, we can declare  global  constants, data types, variables, procedures and functions. Be aware that Delphi builds a form unit for you as you design a form. The form data type, the form variable that creates an instance of the form, and the event handlers are declared in the interface part.   Because there is no need to synchronize the code in code units with an associated form, Delphi does not maintain the code unit for you. Interface section  ends at the reserved word  implementation. Implementation Section The  implementation  section of a unit is the section that contains the actual code for the unit. The implementation can have additional declarations of its own, although these declarations arent accessible to any other application or unit. Any Delphi objects declared here would be available only to code within the unit (global to unit). An optional uses clause can appear in the implementation part and must immediately follow the implementation keyword. Initialization and Finalization Sections These two sections are optional; they are not automatically generated when you create a unit. If you want to  initialize  any data the unit uses, you can add an initialization code to the initialization section of the unit. When an application uses a unit, the code within the units initialization part is called before the any other application code runs.   If your unit needs to perform any cleanup when the application terminates, such as freeing any resources allocated in the initialization part; you can add a  finalization  section to your unit. The finalization section comes after the initialization section, but before the final end.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business marketing assignment (Starbucks) Essay

Business marketing assignment (Starbucks) - Essay Example Several terrorist groups are targeting the customers of Starbucks Cafe in order to achieve their political goals and demands. For example, terrorist attack in Africa and Middle East took the lives of several in-store customers. These kinds of terrorist activities have negative effect on the business operation of Starbucks. The impact is affecting the overall sales and profit of the organization. Starbucks are selecting politically stable countries for their business operation. This strategy will help the organization to maximize business growth and market share. Recent financial crisis and global economic recession has reduced the purchasing power of people. Low disposable income, increasing unemployment rate, high interest rate and low per capita income reduced the consumption activities of people. Costa Coffee, JD Wetherspoon and McDonalds are the potential competitors of Starbucks. These competitors implemented competitive pricing strategy in order to achieve potential competitive advantages. Low pricing strategy of the competitors is affecting the business performance of Starbucks. The organization is one of the leading employers around the globe. Starbucks has developed ample job opportunities for the job seeking applicants in their coffee shops. This organizational process is helping in economic development and employment opportunities. Moreover, the organization has developed respectable and better social hubs where the people can visit with their friends and relatives. Effective workplace diversity motivates the employees to perform significantly. The organization promoted valuable respect and diversity leading to effective social lifestyle and significant internal stakeholders’ contentment. Starbucks is capitalizing on the potential opportunities that developed due to the implementation of advanced technology. Phone applications, Starbucks cards and payment through online eased the business functions of

Friday, October 18, 2019

2pages story and 2pages essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

2pages story and 2pages - Essay Example While the Americans politicians could not help but notice the gleaming gold stacked inside the gigantic space ship, the space people also could not keep themselves from noticing that there was only one Asian American in the delegation sent by the US president from the White House. In a group of 20 politicians of high standing, only one Asian American represented the US. This was diversity at its poorest and it did not go unnoticed by anyone who arrived from the star in the space. It was assumed by the space people that Asian Americans were largely considered simple-minded and unrefined people by the white elitist forces in America. On grounds of extensive research conducted by them in recent past, they knew it well that a few white elitist groups acted as a driving force behind the American politics. The US president could not risk their anger or disagreement because they funded his campaigns. Since Asian Americans formed a racial minority in the US in contrast to whites who formed a racial majority, the leader of the delegation from space put forward a very unique proposition before the Americans. He offered remarkable treasures in the form of gold to America to help the politicians address all kinds of domestic catastrophes in exchange for every one of Asian American residing in the US. They did not explain what they intended to do with Asian Americans, rather they just emphasized this deal claiming that the US president is free to accept or decline this offer. They naturally expected some resistance or hostility form the US delegation on introduction of such a nonplussing offer, but to their amazement the Americans threw themselves into hot debate soon afterwards considering the offer very seriously. The gleam of gold masking their good judgment, they ran off to their president with this otherwise outrageous offer to the White House. The president

Professional Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Professional Practice - Essay Example On one bright day, on the New Year eve, the main server crashed. Though we were able to restart the server and line it up for service, the database could not be started. After much trying we decided to restore the backed up data from the earlier date. As luck would have it, the restored data also failed. If we had tried to restore this data it would have been two days work which the client might have had to do, instead if we were to restore the earlier one, we need to restore or reenter almost one week's data which is quite a volume. Taking all this into consideration we tried our best to bring back online the original data without loss of any information. It took almost two days for us to bring back the data and restart the database. This professional issue meant we are possibly missing our New Year celebrations. But for the client, it was down the day before the New Year and it was brought on line the day after the New Year. Literally, there was no down time for them. They were hap py. Professional issues many times are application of mind and common sense coupled with appropriate technical knowledge. May be I should say, 20% technical knowledge and 80% common sense. I have found along with this, there is also another major factor which plays an important role in sorting out professional issues and that is the attitude. The learning attitude and an open mind, both for criticisms, for new ideas and for sharing new thoughts, would all help in solving very many complex issues. Professional issues are welcome since they would bring in challenges that make our work more interesting, in the bargain, educating us and leave us with a sense of achievement at the end. Whereas Ethical issues are not... The researcher of this essay states that running and heading a private business is a challenging job. One, you are responsible for your staff and also for yourself and your family. Two, the customers need to be answered and the commitments made need to be honored including the time lines. As a matter of fact, the staff in your company will expect you to compensate them for the same kind of work. The responsibilities at the office are more profound and finding time to make contributions to forums of interest seems to be a difficult proposition. The researchr of this essay lists down some of the professional issues that he faced during the course of his work with various companies. As Head IT Technician, the researcher was expected to plan for ongoing and regular backups of database in a particular client site. This was done twice every week at an interval of three days every time. The idea was, in case there is any data related issue, the client would be able to roll back to a state t hat was maximum three days prior to the date of the problem. The researcher also planned it in such a way that there will be at least one more backup which will also be maintained. The researcher concluds that this course made a very important point and that is: we may not be able to satisfy every one at every point in time. Professionals need to up hold the highest professional tradition and ethic. The course made the researcher to appreciate these facts of the codes of conduct as well as the ethics and the morals behind these codes.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Problems of Defining and Measurement of Development Essay

Problems of Defining and Measurement of Development - Essay Example There are many geographers that measure the development in the terms of countries Human Development Index. On the other hand in various countries economists link the development with the developed or either with developing countries economies and use the GNP (Gross National Product) and GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for measuring it (Pieterse 2009). As the definition of development, it is important that technological justice and improvements are even interrelated features that require being considered. The study has been conducted for defining the problems that occur while defining the development taking place in the economy and the various measures adopted by the economists for measuring it on the specific index. The study will also include different theories that are applied in the development for defining it. The study will also include examples drawn from various countries for defining the development, as most of the countries use the income level for defining the development taking place in different countries (Jaffee 1998). The term development has been used from the past few decades and there are several definitions which are associated with the training, seminars, workshops, certificate programs, college and degree programs and also the books and other reading materials. The term development when initially discussed was treated as the synonym of the term improvement of individuals of a lot of individuals in society. With the passage of time, with the emergence of new initiatives and innovations, there is an addition to the confusion in the definition of the term development. There is confusion in the terminology that is used for defining the term â€Å"development†. From the international perspective, it can be said to be as an integral part of a large and broader process of the social and community change (Love and Guthrie 2011). The goal of this change is to bring in the efficiency and improvement in the activities related to economic and social justice.  

Viacom is Successful in 2011 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Viacom is Successful in 2011 - Case Study Example From this point, Viacom would have entirely taken a number of steps and guidelines in its acquisition so as to create better synergies. First and for most, Viacom had to stick to most of the established strategic goals and objectives including its vision that aims towards becoming a globally content provider. This could be done through ensuring that all the financial services have been duly delivered to customers. The other factor that was extremely necessary was the aspect of detailed planning. Here, planning can be taken to encompass cost saving (hard synergy) and revenue enhancement (soft synergy). Cost saving basically has to do with the aspects of redundancies such as the logistics, production, admin, among others, while Revenue enhancement on the other hand has to do with the aspect of cross-selling as well as strength-weakness and strength-strength matching (Hietala, Kaplan, et. al, 2002).   In summary, the ultimate cornerstones of for Viacom’s creation of better synergies can be taken to include the setting up of comprehensive and extensive strategies in terms of revenue enhancement and financing, beefing up operations through cross referencing and joint contracts acquisition, establishment of advanced management and ICT systems, and finally the aspect of establishing an outstanding culture that will enhance massive co-operation at the management

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Problems of Defining and Measurement of Development Essay

Problems of Defining and Measurement of Development - Essay Example There are many geographers that measure the development in the terms of countries Human Development Index. On the other hand in various countries economists link the development with the developed or either with developing countries economies and use the GNP (Gross National Product) and GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for measuring it (Pieterse 2009). As the definition of development, it is important that technological justice and improvements are even interrelated features that require being considered. The study has been conducted for defining the problems that occur while defining the development taking place in the economy and the various measures adopted by the economists for measuring it on the specific index. The study will also include different theories that are applied in the development for defining it. The study will also include examples drawn from various countries for defining the development, as most of the countries use the income level for defining the development taking place in different countries (Jaffee 1998). The term development has been used from the past few decades and there are several definitions which are associated with the training, seminars, workshops, certificate programs, college and degree programs and also the books and other reading materials. The term development when initially discussed was treated as the synonym of the term improvement of individuals of a lot of individuals in society. With the passage of time, with the emergence of new initiatives and innovations, there is an addition to the confusion in the definition of the term development. There is confusion in the terminology that is used for defining the term â€Å"development†. From the international perspective, it can be said to be as an integral part of a large and broader process of the social and community change (Love and Guthrie 2011). The goal of this change is to bring in the efficiency and improvement in the activities related to economic and social justice.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Case Study of a Legal Senario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Case Study of a Legal Senario - Essay Example 211). The external appearance of the contents of the contract is given premium here because social and economic dictates require the protection of the plain wordings of contracts. The contractual agreement between the two parties created rights and obligations which are enforceable by the courts (von Bar, Drobnig, and Alpa, 2004, p. 66). In this case, the contractual relations between Buildrite and Bistrot created the rights and obligations for both parties – for Buildrite to build the extension by November 15 and for Bistrot to pay the price agreed upon. The fact that the wages of the workers were only at minimum wage and the labourers left the employ of Buildrite does not play into the contract between Bistrot and Buildrite. The issue of employment between Buildrite and its employees is not included in the terms of the contract between Bistrot and Buildrite. It is the obligation of Buildrite to fill in its employee vacancies without having to charge Bistrot for the cost of t he additional employees. The two parties did not include in the terms of their contract the fact that Bistrot would have to pay additional cost should Buildrite’s workers leave the firm and leave the latter shorthanded. The elements of a contract are: agreement, consideration, intention to create legal relations, capacity, consent, and form. The contracting parties agree on and accept the terms of the agreement (Mead & Sagar, 2005, p. 38). Beyond such terms and agreement, the contract cannot apply and a possible breach of contract would be seen if either party does not fulfil his end of the contract. In the above case, the parties agreed on the terms of the contract and nowhere in the contract does it indicate that Bistrot will cover additional cost for the renovation. The consideration is usually monetary and the amount has

Monday, October 14, 2019

Comparing The Golden Pathway Annual to Blue Remembered Hills Essay Example for Free

Comparing The Golden Pathway Annual to Blue Remembered Hills Essay In the autumn term of 2006 I performed as Enid and The Head in The Golden Pathway Annual, a play by John Harding John Burrows, for my scripted performance. The class was split into groups of three (which was very fitting as in The Golden Pathway Annual most scenes have only three characters, only the odd few scenes had four) and then given different extracts from the play. My group was exceptionally conscious in keeping the props, costumes and especially acting appropriate to the time period, so some brief research was done using the Internet to give us a better understanding of, for example, what statuses the mother and father would have in relation to each other, or what costumes should be worn. Obviously, a reading of the entire play was done prior to any rehearsals, so that the scenes that we would be performing made sense to us. We also read through Blue Remembered Hills, by Dennis Potter, as a class. The Golden Pathway Annual is almost completely non-naturalistic. The same actor plays Michael, the lead role, throughout all his ages from the age of two-and-a-half into his adulthood. Also, two of the four actors play a range of characters, as opposed to one actor playing one character, as they would in a naturalistic play. At first glances, Blue Remembered Hills would seem to be a non-naturalistic play. Firstly, the characters are all children, whereas all the actors are adults, similar to The Golden Pathway Annual, where an adult actor would play the role of the child Michael. However, the scenarios in Blue Remembered Hills are completely naturalistic everything that happens could happen in real life. In contrast, The Golden Pathway Annual has moments, such as the fantasy sequences, where Michael is a dog with members of the Famous Five, which are evidently not naturalistic. The other very naturalistic thing about Blue Remembered Hills is that the play is in real-time one incident after another without the imposition or intervention of memory in the form of flashback in Potters words. The play is set in one day, unlike The Golden Pathway Annual, which spans a time period of more than 20 years there is even an instance in the beginning where the transition between two scenes indicates the change of several years, where a child had been born and raised to the age of two-and-a-half not naturalistic in the slightest. The emotions in Blue Remembered Hills are very naturalistic. This is because the play shows realistic emotions and how the different characters would react, for instance when Donald dies towards the end, all the characters are badly shaken. If the emotions were non-naturalistic, such as in a comic style, the emotions would portray Donalds death as humorous. The Golden Pathway Annual also has very naturalistic, touching moments, such as: Enid: Whats going to happen to us? George: When? Enid: When we die. Enid feels upset and slightly pessimistic now that Michael has left home, a natural reaction for a mother to feel. George, in the following lines, tries to be brave and attempts to convince Enid shes not talking sense an also natural thing for a husband to do. A noticeable difference between the two plays is the themes. The Golden Pathway Annual mainly has the theme of expectations, where Michael is pressured throughout his life, by his parents and by his school. He works hard, however this is only to find that all he worked for amounted to nothing. The main theme of Blue Remembered Hills is, in my opinion, childhood (other people may think differently it depends on a persons interpretation). The play goes through the emotions and activities of children, with an ending showing how all fun and games can end in catastrophe. Basing the two plays on their main themes, it could be said that they are divergent, however the two plays have other themes, which do relate the two of them. Nostalgia seems to be portrayed in both of the plays. A sense of looking back can be seen in both Dennis Potters and Ed Thomasons (the director of the first The Golden Pathway Annual productions) introductions; Every event in the script which had sparked off a personal memory, a moment of recognition for me, would do the same for an audience (Ed Thomason). It is clear that The Golden Pathway Annual was written with the intention of nostalgia and Blue Remembered Hills was written using Potters memories. Both the plays similarly experience the theme of fantasy, however one experiences it naturalistically and the other non-naturalistically. Blue Remembered Hills has times when the children will imagine they are Indians and cowboys, for instance, running through the forest wailing and shooting each other with their imaginary guns. This is naturalistic, as the audience sees the children playing pretend. The Golden Pathway Annual has non-naturalistic fantasy sequences. Michaels fantasies are much more like dreams the audience views a dream where Michael is a dog or is James Bond; it is not Michael pretending he is James Bond. Although Blue Remembered Hills was written for television, a successful stage adaptation has been made of it. A problem posed by this, which is overcome in different ways, depending on the production, is the staging. There is a section towards the end where there are instant transitions between inside a barn and outside a barn. On television, this is easy to do, however on stage this is harder. Therefore, the staging must be unnatural the stage could be split, for instance. This is alike to The Golden Pathway Annual, where the staging is very unnatural such as in a scene I performed a Grannys footsteps scene, where Michaels parents advance on him in the ironic fashion of this childs game. As a group, we decided to stage it abstractly, similarly to the way Blue Remembered Hills would be staged. The Golden Pathway Annual is set during the 1940s and 1960s. Our group established this time period in many ways; one was the way the two parents related. I performed as Enid in a way that allowed George to be the more dominant character, reflecting on the main beliefs of that time, that men still seemed to be the superior gender. The Golden Pathway Annual begins just after the war, whereas Blue Remembered Hills is set during the war. It is interesting to see that just the two years changes the historic period entirely, making the two plays acted very differently. There is a similarity in time periods between the plays, and that is that the time period is a given circumstance it is set, and cannot be changed. The reason Blue Remembered Hills cannot be changed is quite obviously as it is during the war, and the context of the play wouldnt make sense without the time period. The time period in The Golden Pathway Annual is essential to the characters, plot and emotions; without the time period, the nostalgia of the play would be lost. In addition, the production notes stress the time period heavily. One difference I notice about the style of how the two plays are written is the freedom the writers allow for the production, and what given circumstances there are. Blue Remembered Hills seems to be more flexible with how the play can be performed. Potter gives an option of what Willie can be doing in the first scene, whereas Harding Burrows have much more strict given circumstances, where the props, as examples, are much more set the placing of the two chairs (which are the props that create the illusion of many other items in the play) is stated. Society and culture is a significant difference between the two plays. The Peters family in The Golden Pathway Annual is of working class. The family was hard-hit by the war literally; their house was bombed and they lost everything. Society in the times of the beginning of when The Golden Pathway Annual is set had the popular belief that the future would get better, the high hopes due to the recent winning of the war. It was also believed that the young generation should make the best of what they have offered to them, a culture reflected deeply into Enid and Georges parenting, which is shown through all the pressure applied on Michael to do well at school and get good qualifications, so he can succeed in life. However, as the play progresses, we see that cultures change and Michael finds that like the pound, his degree has devalued. The class and culture are both very different in Blue Remembered Hills. The children spit, threaten and fight regularly in the play, something that Michael is never known to have experienced. Michael is always made presentable, as his parents believe that they need to fit in with the society. It is likely that the same case occurs in Blue Remembered Hills, however the culture is different the entire town is likely to be of the lower agricultural class, working on the farms; the way the children behave is normal in the society they are in. It is clear that the upbringing of the children in Blue Remembered Hills is not to get a degree and do well in life and to better themselves, as Michael is in The Golden Pathway Annual; the children are parented in a sort of the present matters mentality, in contrast to The Golden Pathway Annual where Enid and George have firm beliefs that it is the future that matters, and that everything is done for a child to better themselves in the future. In conclusion, I have learnt that although the two plays are very different in where they are set and the way the characters behave, similarities still lie in the themes and some of the styles, such as staging.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Clothing in Constructions of Gender

Clothing in Constructions of Gender With the development of society, politics, economy and science, people have been looking for a kind of unconcealed individual beauty. Especially in modern society, the cultivation of highlight personality is highly regarded by people. So sex in garment design has never been the whole factor within the consideration of modern fashion designers. Instead, neutral garment between two sexes has become a kind of unique scenery on the street. In modern society that mens wear and womens wear are very much alike in pattern style and the choice of colours, even exactly the same. From the ancient times the standard of traditional clothing emphasized the roles of men and women played. Males need to show masculine beauty of steadiness, sobriety and strength; while females should be blessed with feminine beauty of being ladylike, kind and soft. From the end of the 1990s, neutral garment has become the most popular cosset. Especially with the rapid development of society and economy, as well as with the rapid promotion of womens rank in society, there is increasing no definite role confirmation for males and females in the society according to profession. At present, neutral garment can not only satisfy womens self-confidence in social competition with its simple pattern but also make males enjoy the joy of fashion. T-shirts, jeans and low-waist pants are considered as neutral garments; white, black and gray are neutral colours; dying hair Å’short hair are of neutral hairstyleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦In a word, being neutral has become the popular trend in this century. Viewing from the formation and development of neutral garment, the influence of social institution, economic development, thinking culture and industry development on here, as well as the change of social status of relationship between men and women and the influence of pattern style produced by fashion designers on neutral garment, we can draw the conclusion that the existence of this neutral garment phenomenon is not occasional and single, but a result influenced by thinking culture, social thinking trend, individual consciousness, social and economic development. At the same time, this phenomenon also means the promotion of womens social status, the emergence of being neutral in positions, the inverted changes of design thinking of fashion designers in mens and womens wear, as well as a kind of development trend represented by individual performance and modern clothing psychological demands. Man, Woman and culture The birth of a man or a woman is not solely a biological fact in any society. Biological fact is assembled with social implications. The word Gender is currently diffusely used to relate to those ways in which a culture reforms what begins as a fact of nature. Convictions about what men and women are or should be are emerged in all cultures, though between cultures and over time the beliefs are different. For example, women are meant to be more interested in clothing and fashion and take care about their appearance, yet men should be less intent on these things. Women are also assumed to be more passive and men more aggressive. When we are elevated in a specifically culture we learn what we should be from our friends, parents and the media, we restructure our behavior to more closely meet with the expectancies. While we dont all rashly follow these socially constructed gender roles, for instance a lot of women dont care about fashion but many men do, many of these criterions become i nternalized by us as individuals, and become proportion of our identity. The definition of being a man or woman is tightly connected to appearance. Men wear clothing as our definition of skirt usually seen in West Africa, Indonesia and in Scottish dress. A tube form of cloth fitted at the waist is worn by both men and women in West Africa. The Scottish skirt still worn at many social events to create a social and cultural identity stands for the point of masculinity (Kidwell and Steele). Skirt is hard to be seen on men in American culture, except within the film, theater or in the context of couture or avant-garde fashion. For instance, the grunge style of the early 1990s had fashions for men designed to be worn with skirts. Whatever, there was nothing specifically feminine in these styles, and were just a fashion statement. Historically, dress and gender have not always been fixed and have enjoyed some latitude. Researching dress and gender from a historical viewpoint stimulates awareness of the shifts regarding appropriate dress for males and females. For example, the expectation of blue is for boy babies and pink for girl babies has not always been the case. Paoletti and Kregloh (1989) discussed how the colour rule in 1918 was pink for the boy and blue for the girl. Pink was interpreted then as a stronger and more assertive colour and blue as more dainty and delicate. Social construction of gender Social construction of gender is normally discussed in contrast to biological facts of differences between men and women. For example men are naturally more aggressive and women relatively more passive because of hormones like testosterone, and women are more interested in clothing on average because in the human species men are active in sexual partner selection where as women are passive, so women display themselves and wait. Social explanation for gender differences point to the variation in gender roles from culture to culture and across time, like men in France in the time of Louis XII wore high heels and makeup. So it can not be biology or it would be stable. Biological explanations point out that in all cultures and times women and men do differ, and the universality of this differentiation proves the biological underpinning of sex-role differences no matter how these are expressed in any given culture. Of course, most people think it is a bit of both, and also that people do get some choice neither biology nor socialization is destiny. Clothing and Gender The qualities and characteristics we perceive as specific to gender are inherent by nature. Physical strength is stereotyped to be masculine, while emotional behaviour is stereotyped as feminine in America. Any straying from these expectations is sufficient grounds for alienation. However, historian Howard Zinn has documented that gender roles are a part of a system constructed by the ruling class during the formation of our nation. The gender role structure in the US was created in order to maintain a centralized, wealthy ruling class. In order to keep wealthy, white men in control of the economy, women have been constructed as inferior to men physically, mentally and emotionally. Lorber explains that the definition of being a man or woman is comprised of more than apparent genetic information. Gender is a socially constructed status, which has the intention of choosing people for the different tasks of society(Lorber). Thus, ideas about how one should behave in order to fit into a gender category are learned, not intrinsic. As a society assigns people as men or women, this categorization denotes the accepted and preferred personality characteristics, feelings, motivations, and ambitions that create different classes and preferences for people (Lorber). That is, the genderization system produces men and women who tend to have a natural inclination toward ideas, behaviours, and careers that help them assimilate to anticipated gender stereotypes. Parents, constantly in fear that people will not be able to distinguish the sex of their new baby, instinctually encourage dress, styles, and behaviour that perpetuate the masculine and feminine labels from birth. The word woman itself was created by the masculine conception of what femininity should be. These criteria set up the dominant/subordinate relationship standard because women lacked the power to challenge the male point of view. Lorber suggests that as a process, gender creates social differences that define woman and man' through interactions and expectations of peers and family. As a stratification, gender ranks mens work superior to womens, regardless of skill or difficulty. As a social structure, gender organizes work habits both domestically and economically (Lorber). For the average girl in American society, adapting to gender roles is taught in every single facet of life. The media, entertainment, and school cooperatively exhibit and promote gender assimilation. Barbieà ¤ dolls are the first toys I can recall playing with as a young girl. Her long blond hair, short skirts, disproportionately long legs, and spike heels set the precedent for how I would view true femininity throughout adolescence. By age six, my life became infiltrated by gender specific, girly activities. I practiced ballet and avoided sports, painted fingernails, nearly always wore dresses with nylons, experimented with my mothers make-up (rather unsuccessfully), joined Girl Scouts, grew out my hair to mid-back, and wished for everything to be pink or lavender. Fashion trends and clothing styles, in particular, significantly aid the social construction of gender. The mere presence of a standard for the judgment of beauty automatically designates some group to be in control of the other. That is, individuals are constantly judging one another to make certain that they fit into the correct gender classification. Trendy, hip clothing are made for a very specific, minority group of women- narrow-hipped, small-breasted, tall, and skinny. The pressure to fit into these styles of clothes is unrelenting and produces insecurities and a poor body-image. These adolescent anxieties are not uncommon and can produce eating disorders, depression, and suicide. Joanne Finkelstein, in After a Fashion, explains that fashion can be seen as a device for confining women to an inferior social order. Throughout history women have been isolated from men by their fashion dues to society women would risk spinal disorders from corsets, chronic foot pain and arch trauma from high-heels, and submit to a constant preoccupation of worry over mens approval of clothing appropriateness. Fashions play such an integral role in how we judge one another how much money we have, what music we listen to, how much education we have received that any gender-bending fashions exhibited by women are at best taboo, and at worst, unattractive to men (the alleged Ultimate Womans Worry). In many societies, gender is not considered a part of nature, but rather learned, acquired, or earned as a rite of passage. In some tribal communities, acquiring gender status represents maturity and responsibility. There is an unspoken agreement between American men and women that women will fashion their clothing and styles as part of a system that favours men. In part this system favours men simply by distinguishing a class apart from men, requiring someone to exist on the outside of an established social norm. John Lorber puts it best: Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at (Lorber). In a society where many women still do not recognize the inequalities of genderization, the pervasiveness of gender roles in America remains perpetuated and profound. Conclusion Clearly, gender as a social and cultural construction needs demands; the appropriate sustains to successfully convince the audience that ones gender presentation is authentic. The dress we wear is layered with many meanings, such as culturally appropriate gender behaviour, gender socialization via dress, codes of dress and gender, historical perspectives of dress and gender, dressing parts of the self, social resistance, and gender markers.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

mardi gras :: essays research papers fc

Mardi Gras, literally â€Å"Fat Tuesday,† has grown in popularity in recent years as a raucous’ sometimes hedonistic event. Buts its roots lie in the Christian calendar, as the â€Å"last hurrah† before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. That is why the enormous ends abruptly at midnight on Tuesday. There are well-known season-long Carnival celebrations in Europe and Latin America, including Nice, France; Cologne, Germany; and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The best known celebration in the United States is in New Orleans and the French-Catholic communities of the Gulf Coast. Another popular site for the celebration of Mardi Gras is Galveston, Texas. Mardi Gras has become a major influence to the people and the economy of Galveston. With its great history and deep economic impact Mardi Gras is beneficial to both the community and visitors to the Island.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first celebration took place in 1867, when a dramatic entertainment and masked ball took place in t he old Turner Hall. The dramatic entertainment was a scene from â€Å"‘King Henry IV,’ featuring Alvan Reed (a justice of the peace weighing in at 350 pounds!) as Falstaff† (Mardi Gras!). The first time Mardi Gras was celebrated to any great extent was in 1871, when there were two night parades by separate organizations, one known as the Knights of Momus and the other as the Knights of Myth, both of which devised masked ball, exquisite costumes. In the years that followed, the parades and balls grew more elaborate and attracting attention throughout the state. After the hurricane of 1900 the events were discontinued for several years. The celebrations were gradually revived, but not on an extensive scale. It was not until 1914 that a group called the â€Å"Kotton Karnival Kids† staged parades for both Mardi Gras and the Galveston Cotton Carnival. â€Å" The 1917 masked ball took on added glamour with the first official appearance of King Frivolous and his court,...†(Mardi Gras!). The king was given the key to the city. With the outbreak of World War I, Mardi Gras was confined to small single day festivities. Shortly after the war the celebration a new revival. It was not until the threat war once again placed the celebration on hold. â€Å"In 1985, native Galvestonian George P. Mitchell and his wife, Cynthia, launched the revival of a citywide Mardi Gras celebration† (Mardi Gras!). Now under the supervision of the Galveston Park Board of Trustees, Mardi Gras spans two weekends and several days in between with parades, masked balls, and many different theatrical entertainments.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Warid Telecom (Research  Report) Table of Content * Acknowledgment * Dedication * Introduction to telecommunication * Introduction to Research * Research Problem * Problem Statement * Literature Review * Hypothesis * Sample Selection * Research Methodology * Data Collection * Independent Variable * Dependent Variable * Hypothesis testing * Result of Research * Selection of Alternative Htpothesis * Measurement of downsizing * Effect of Downsizing * Analysis through Pie chart * Conclusion * Reference ACKNOWLEDGMENT All acclamation to Allah who has empowered and enabled us to accomplish the task successfully First of all we would like to thank our Allah Almighty who really helps us in every problem during the project. We would like to express our sincere and humble gratitude to Almighty who’s Blessings, help and guidance has been a real source of all our achievements in our life. We would like to admit that we completed this project due to parents who pray for our success. We also wish to express our appreciation to our supervisor SIR. ABDUL HAQ & MISS NAYLA who helps us and introduce us to new dimensions of knowledge in Research. Last but not the least our team efforts, support, cooperation and encouragement showed by each member in the group with each other. DEDICATION Our PROJECT is dedicated to our beloved Parents, teachers, brothers, sisters and all of our-selves. Introduction to Research Establish a research territory: >Show the importance / relevance / interest of the research area=> Advertising is targeted messages that communicate information from a company to individual and groups of consumers. This medium allows companies to draw consumers to the company's goods and services. In can also influence consumer buying behavior, which helps companies increase sales revenue Introduce and review previous research in the area Establish a niche: ;The purpose of this research is to basically know the impact of advertisement on the consumers so Occupy the niche: ;state the nature and purpose of your research ;indicate the shape of your paper / forecast the findings This paper examines the. The focuses on the events surrounding the downsizing ofWarid Telecom  in 2009 and 2010 and its effect on the employees of Ward, Research problem Background: Advertising  is a form of  communication  intended to  persuade  an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some action upon products, ideas, or services. It includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer, to persuade a target market to purchase or to consume that particular  brand. These messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various media. Advertising can also serve to communicate an idea to a large number of people in an attempt to convince them to take a certain action. The question arises that is the huge amount of money that a brand spend on its advertisement is always beneficial for it or not? Problem Statement Does the advertisement influence the buying behavior of costumers or not? What is Warid’s Brand perception and what critical factors are influencing the operator switching decisions of consumers? Literature Review Research papers on decrease in Workforce are: Synopsis of the ‘Literature review on workforce innovation, workforce productivity, planning and modeling’ Background Increasing workforce productivity and efficiency is particularly important in the context of changing demographics, technological advances and rising costs. New and amended roles, new ways of working, clinical pathway redesign, multi-professional team working, collaborative working and advances in technology can help to all help to achieve this. In December 2008, the Workforce Transformation Project (9) Workforce Modelling Group (WMG) commissioned a Literature Review to establish the evidence and impact of workforce innovations and different workforce models on efficiency, effectiveness and quality of care, as well as understanding the possible implications for workforce planning. The literature review was undertaken by Warwick University in collaboration with the NHS Workforce Review Team and was finalized in May 2009. Key aims of the Review The aim was to review the published and grey literature and provide both general and specific evidence on: Innovations in workforce development in the health sector, particularly those aimed at improving workforce productivity and/ or the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of patient care. To include new and innovative roles, new ways of working and  deploying health care staff, alternative service models, education and training interventions, direct and indirect remuneration and reward strategies, and how the use of new technology in the workplace is incorporated into workforce development Examples of best practice and proven methods with workforce models, evidence of effectiveness and with proven successful outcomes, quality measures, costs and benefits analysis and issues which arise for change management and implementation. To include examples from sectors other than health but which could be replicated within and health care context. Evidence of improved workforce productivity and workforce development associated with the successful transfer of services from acute, hospital based services to community based provision. Understand how innovation in workforce planning has been/can be incorporated into workforce planning and development and used within workforce modelling tools. (Reference 3) The main de-motivating factors in work are as follows: 1. Inadequate salary: the workers estimate the value of their work by the salary they receive. A poor salary has a negative effect on their work. A salary is satisfactory when the worker gets what he expects, what others doing the same sort of work are getting, and what is generally regarded as being fair. . Bad working conditions: if the working conditions are not satisfactory, the workers are discouraged and lose their enthusiasm in work. 3. Inefficient administration: workers like to work for an efficient and fair administration. An efficient administration discourages the workers during their routine duties, in one way or another. 4. Incompetent supervision: the workers expect their supervision to be technically competent. If they fail to help at difficul t times, they lose the respect of their sub ordinates. 5. Poor interpersonal relations with management: the supervisors should treat their subordinates fairly and try to have good personal relations with them. Supervisors who have favourites or who are dishonest in reporting on the work of the staff are disliked. The work suffers greatly as a result. 6. Personal qualities of the leader: A leader has two forms of authority: (i) that of his position, (ii) that of his person. (Reference 4) 2008 brought problems for Warid as she is in serious crisis, downsizing has started, and other strategic decisions have to be taken to survive in this competitive market. Let’s see can $250 million save Warid? The problem of Warid Telecom is the HR of the company itself related to un? necessary manpower induction, without a JD and absence of a post induction appraisal system based on merit, which are all big question marks. Marketing strategy is the amalgamation of all other telecos of Pakistan, and heavily playing on price without much of a result, as it is not being tailored according to Warid’s Vision. Most of the Middle East Company’s favorite strategy is the price war, and the only positioning they know is cheaper rates. Warid Telecom was involved throughout the year in the activities below: †¢Planning to expand its coverage to approximately 250 more cities. No timeframe has been announced for the expansion, but Warid has said it aims to include remote and rural areas, focusing on the Northern Areas (NA), Azzad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Baluchistan, which came to me as a surprise, as such areas have already not been covered and why? The GM marketing of Warid has resigned from the company fearing questioning of lapsing 80% of the total marketing budget in just 3 months. †¢Total investment in Pakistan will touch $1. 5 billion by the end of this year while the company will further increase its investment in the telecom sector by $1 billion by the end of 2009. †¢One good thing which came concrete this year is change of company’s logo to something more 3 D. †¢Started its commercial launch of in? flight connectivity with AeroMobile. Ericsson signs pact of $300 million to expand its GSM network, including its Core, Radio, Transmission network equipment and VAS platforms †¢Launched in collaboration with AMES the entertainment and digital media portal in Pakistan †¢Deployed a solar powered BTS site using Huawei’s Solar Powered Macro Base Station (BTS) †¢Launched a new Public Call Office (PCO) scheme in ZEM Pocket PCO †¢Launched Location Based Services. Service enabled subscribers to locate the whereabouts of their family members, friends or colleague. Reference 5) The literature often assesses the downsizing of a company in terms of â€Å"announced layoffs† (cf. De Meuse et al. , 1994; Gombola and Tsetsekos, 1992; Wertheim and Robinson, 2000). Hypothesis Null Hypothesis: Layoff create motivation and no effect on workforce of warid Alternative Hypothesis: Downsizing Create de-motivation and Decrease in workforce of Warid Telecom Sample Selection Select the behavior (warid): Warid have different offices in every location and different franchise in every area, but here we select the main office and on Gulberg office, and some more location here Warid Telecom Ltd Office / Branch / Corporate Address: Spencers Building, Opp Railways Headquarters, Lahore Description: Marked by: Guest We select the sample on the basis of random sampling; warid office is considering random sampling for the employee of warid. Define the target behavior (employees): After selecting the behaviors, we specifically define the target behaviors in â€Å"observable and measurable† terms. Observable and measurable refers to behaviors that are easily observed, countable, have a beginning and an end, and are repeatable. Systematic random sampling Goal: Randomly select 25 employees from a data set of 150 recorded employees. Process: 150? 25=6. Select every 6th record in the data set. To prevent selection bias given the order of the records on the data set, the records may be sorted by name prior to random selection. Data=employees; by name; data sample; set employees; Research Methodology Data Collection Choose a data collection system: Descriptions Age  between 25-45 Income  between 8000-25,000 Gender  Both Males and Female Location  Warid website,  Warid employees Data were collected from the following four sources: Primary Data Collection: Observations Whereas here data collection records the outcome of employees, observational recording systems are used to record samples employees’ layoff as they are occurring. There are several basic systems for recording observational data. When executives view labor as a cost rather than an asset, they likely will attempt to maximize the cost reduction, leading to larger layoffs. Employees Interviews Interviews involve asking someone information about a subject. They can be conducted with both children and adults. This assessment technique helps establish a relationship with the person giving the information. Interviews are often openended, allowing the interviewer to gather additional information as needed. The research techniques that are adopted for the purpose of this study are as follows: The formal interview include people from management in telecommunication and their name are Mohammad Kamran Business Center Manager of WARID Limitation One of the major limitations while carrying out this research was the lack of cooperation on the part of the management in providing the data regarding the company and its policies. Layoff announcements were obtained from Workplace Trends Company sources say that the lay off campaign had been started as the company was facing a major financial crunch. Smelling the catastrophe, Faisal Ejaz Khan, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), has also resigned while the new CEO is yet to be appointed by the company. When contacted, former spokesperson of Warid Telecom Farah Hussain, confirmed that the entire PR section had been abolished. She also confirmed that CEO Faisal Ejaz Khan had also resigned. No responsible officer is there at the company now to confirm anything about the company status, she added. Reported annual employees Rate Warid has decided to wrap up its PR department, while it will outsource its PR activities through some PR agency, told us a source – familiar with the situation. Furthermore Farah Hussain, Manager PR and Rehan Zia, PR Officer resigned from their responsibilities. Another source while speaking with us confirmed that Warid was intending closure of its PR department for last couple of months. In the same connection, company will outsource all of its PR activities. However, we don’t know about what PR agency Warid will work with for its PR activities. Source further confirmed that Farah Hussain and Rehan Zia were asked to report new GM Marketing in Lahore. However, Farah Hussain who was based in Islamabad and Rehan Zia, who used to sit at Karachi office denied to move to Lahore, and eventually resigned. We were unable to fetch official view point of Warid over the situation. We are familiar with Warid’s marketing performance in last couple of quarters, and now closure its PR department – we are not sure about company’s intentions. (Reference 6) Questionnaire: FROM THE RESULTS OF THE PILOT SURVEY WE HAVE FRAMED THE FOLLOWING RESEARCH QUESTIONS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF â€Å"CONSUMER’S  FAVOURITE TV COMMERCIAL AND PRODUCT USED†. Section 1: Demographic information 1. How old are you? Under 18 18 to 24 25 to 30 Above 30 2. What is your relationship status? Married Unmarried Section 2: Interest and life commitments 3. Do you take interest in watching TV ads? Yes  Ã‚  No 4. Do these ads have any impact on your buying decision? Yes  Ã‚  No Section 3: Favourites for ads and products 5. Which is your favourite milk brand? Haleeb * Olpers * Milk pack * Good milk * Any other then specify . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Which is your favorite TV ad of milk? * Haleeb * Olpers * Milk pack * Good milk * Any other then specify 5. Which is your favourite mobile brand? Nokia Samsung Matrola Sony Ericson *   Any other then specify 5. Which is your favourite TV ad of mobile? Nokia Samsung Matrola Sony Ericson Any other then specify 5. Whic h is your favourite ice cream brand? Walls Omore Yummy Gourmet Any other then specify 5. Which is your favourite TV ad of ice cream? Walls Omore Yummy Gourmet Any other then specify 5. Which is your favourite mobile connection? Jazz * ufone warid Telenor Any other then specify 5. Which are your favourite TV ads of mobile connection? Jazz U fone Warid Telenor Any other then specify 5. Which is your favourite shampoo? Dove Pentene * Sunsilk * Head and shoulders * Any other then specify 5. Which is your favourite TV add of shampoo? Dove Pentene Sunsilk Head and shoulders Any other then specify Section 4: Getting a balance 5. Do the adds help you to perceive about product? ?  Yes  ? No 16. Do the TV ads influence your shopping? ?  Yes  ? No 17. Do you think that there is Difference between favorite TV commercial and product used? ?  Yes  ? No Independent Variables: Changing market conditions:  if there is any change in market condition that will not effect on the motivation and workforce ability of warid employees * Merging of two or more firms (wateen): the collaboration and new way to perform create the motivation level, but here no effect on the workforce in warid * Strategy changes:  If the strategy change in the perf ormance of employees that will no effect on downsizing, but it is considered that the change in competitor strategy, that will effect. Dependent Variables: * Profit Margin:  A company's profit margin is calculated by dividing profits by sales. This ratio can be a reverse proxy for the cost of producing each dollar of sales. If the per unit labor cost decreases as a result of downsizing, profit margin will rise. * * Asset Efficiency:  The asset efficiency of a company is measured by dividing sales by assets. This measure identifies how efficiently a company is using its assets to produce its sales. If a firm can reduce its assets while eliminating employees and simultaneously maintain or increase sales, it will enhance its asset efficiency. In contrast, if sales significantly drop with the reduction in staff, asset efficiency could remain constant or even decrease. Market-to-Book Ratio: A company's market-to-book ratio is calculated by dividing the market value of the equity of a firm by its value on the books. This measure more directly reflects the investors' perceptions of future performance than current or past performance. Thus, if investors believe that the announced layoff will improve the future effectiveness of t he company, the ratio should increase. * Disaster in new project  : this is dependent on the workforce of company. Because there lose in the company and they compensate through decrease in expensis may be in the shape of employees layoff Hypothesis Testing and Data Analysis Q1| | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 1| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 30. 0| | 2| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 60. 0| | 3| 4| 40. 0| 40. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q2| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 5| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 30. 0| | 6| 4| 40. 0| 40. 0| 70. 0| | 7| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q3| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 1| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| 100. 0| Q4| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 1| 4| 40. 0| 40. 0| 40. 0| | 3| 6| 60. 0| 60. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q5| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 1| 8| 80. 0| 80. 0| 80. 0| | 3| 2| 20. 0| 20. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q6| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 1| 9| 90. 0| 90. 0| 90. 0| | 3| 1| 10. 0| 10. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q7| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 8| 7| 70. 0| 70. 0| 70. 0| | 9| 2| 20. 0| 20. 0| 90. 0| | 10| 1| 10. 0| 10. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q8| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 2| 4| 40. 0| 40. 0| 40. 0| | 3| 6| 60. 0| 60. 0| 100. 0| Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q9| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 1| 5| 50. 0| 50. 0| 50. 0| | 3| 5| 50. 0| 50. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q10| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 1| 7| 70. 0| 70. 0| 70. 0| | 3| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q11| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 14| 7| 70. 0| 70. 0| 70. 0| | 15| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q12| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 11| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 30. 0| | 12| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 60. | | 13| 4| 40. 0| 40. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q13| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 12| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 30. 0| | 13| 7| 70. 0| 70. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q14| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 16| 6| 60. 0| 60. 0| 60. 0| | 17| 1| 10. 0| 10. 0| 70. 0| | 18| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Gender Percentage in Research: . 1. Which mobile connection you are using except warid? 2. What you think, Service of WARID as an employee or a customer is? 3. What do you think that the sales of WARID are decreasing? . The downsizing of warid is due to external causes? 5. Work force in Warid i s decreasing? 6. Is there any effect on existing employees of warid due to downsizing? 7. After downsizing employees start working 8. Warid is providing fast internet facility than its competitor? 9. SMS craze package is cheaper then its competitor? 11. WARID should focus on 1. Packages rate 2. Advertisement 3. No idea 12. How would you rate the general services of WAID? 13. The current situation of WARID? 14. The reason in warid downsizing is Result of Questionnaire: This survey generates the following result according to the people and employees of warid. Basically people and employees of warid using mobilink connect more frequently and among youngsters, Ufone is more common. But they are just satisfying with the Warid services. All of the people and respondent agree that the sales of warid are decreased and they are facing lose in business. Here one more main issue arise that is external causes are the main reason in decrease in warid sales and performance so that’s why the company is facing crisis. This cause some effect on warid employees, they believe that the company is facing crisis and that’s why company starting layoff. But here some positive aspect is founded. Employees are more efficiently doing their task, and performance level rise due to layoffs. The main reason in decrease in workforce is considered competitor strategy towards customer. They considered, Warid should bring change in the existing packages. Because of this situation in market, employees face fear in work environment and the productivity is decreases. Another fact is founded that is company failed to meet the employee’s satisfaction level. This is occurring due to the disaster in new project in warid. Selection of Alternative Hypothesis: The alternative hypothesis is selected: That is â€Å"Downsizing create de-motivation and employees become less productive and workforce of warid is decrease† Measure of Organizational Downsizing: A standardized measure was developed to provide a more accurate means to compare downsizing in warid. The organizational downsizing variable used in the study is the magnitude of the announced layoff divided by total number of employees in the company. Such a relative assessment of downsizing provides a more accurate means of examining the impact of a layoff on a company's financial performance. So, 200-employee layoff in a firm the size of warid (36,200 employees) is likely very different from a 200employee layoff. Effects of Downsizing: All small business owners know the weighty responsibility of having employees dependent upon him to provide for their families. Despite a popular perceived view, not all business owners are cold-hearted calculating machines caring only for profits at the expense of everyone they step on while rising to the top. Downsizing also has an economic risk. Shrinking a business reduces market value and reduces its customer base, which can be dangerous if perception of the company views it as unreliable. Growth is always viewed as a positive. Downsizing is not, and doing so will require a good  public relations plan to offset negative publicity and customer perceptions. Another effect is the emotional costs to both owner and employees. Losing a job for any reason is traumatic enough, but losing a job as the result of a business owner’s decision to downsize can be easily misunderstood Analysis through pie charts presentation This chart show the usage of different networks among people 1. Approximately number of Males who are employed in Mobilink, Warid, Zong, Telenor ; Ufone? 2. Approximately number of Males who are employed in Mobilink, Warid, Zong, Telenor ; Ufone? 3. What is the turnover ratio in Mobilink, Warid, Zong, Telenor ; Ufone? 4. Approximately what percentage of employed has received training internally in Mobilink, Warid, Zong, Telenor ; Ufone? 5. What is the percentage of HR function increase in scope and working in Mobilink, Warid, Zong, Telenor ; Ufone Conclusion: The literature review identifies key innovations in workforce development and service delivery and links between productivity and skills, and it suggests reasons why there is a lack of robust evidence across the organization. Some positive conclusions conclude that: * There is a great deal of general evidence on: how best to measure productivity and performance; on links between skills and performance; on the benefits of adopting particular working practices; and workforce planning. * In general, while the  Review  suggests that there are many useful lessons to be learned, there are no simple solutions that can be deployed in all circumstances, although there are many examples of good practice The review of the general literature on links between skills and productivity suggests that, while there is strong evidence that investment in human capital is associated with positive benefits, including improved productivity, as with any other investment there is no guarantee that such benefits will accrue in any particular case. By completing this survey we came to conclude that HRM department is the main department of all telecommunication industry but according to our survey WARID have very well established department of HRM but their all employees are de-motivated and less satisfied with HRM department because of the downsizing. All these telecommunication industries focus on employee satisfaction and motivation for this they conduct training sessions give incentives and all kind of benefits that retain their employees. HRM play very important role in all activities so every industry focuses on its function and scope for the betterment in present and future. Downsizing, reduction-in-force, restructuring, lay-offs . . . the human consequences are often the same: Fewer people doing more work. The costly* conflicts that arise in such a cauldron of workplace stress are challenging for any manager, and may even lie on the path toward the manager's own demise. Reference 1: http://propakistani. pk/2009/04/28/franchisers-not-happy-with-warid/ http://www. scribd. com/doc/18644216/Final-Marketing-Project-on-Warid-Telecom http://www. kurwongbss. eq. edu. au/ourschool/resource/selection/selection. htm Reference 2 http://www. apnatime. com/3186/2009/12/16/telecom/zong-and-warid-are-worst-in-human-resource-category/ Reference 3: http://workforcedeanery. westmidlands. nhs. uk/WorkforcePlanning/WorkforceTransformationProject9/Literaturereview/tabid/1483/language/en-US/Default. aspx Reference 4: http://www. scribd. com/doc/25489812/warid-brand-managment-project? ecret_password=&autodown=pdf Reference 5: http://www. google. com. pk/url? sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=10&ved=0CC4QFjAJ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. ispak. com. pk%2FDownloads%2FPakistan_Telecom_Report_2008. pdf&rct=j&q=what+are+the+reason+in+warid+downsizing&ei=P0zhS_jiCIyangP3kOU3&usg=AFQjCNH9BGyaTO91C88zGx67ObCneWTv7w Reference 6: http://propakistani. pk/2009/03/30/warid-wraps-up-pr-department-farr ah-resigns/ http://propakistani. pk/2009/04/15/warid-pr-dept-is-intact-press-release/ http://business. lovetoknow. com/wiki/Downsizin